Chapter 9: Stage 2 complete

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Queen of mean's POV

I snap my fingers and a big cage immediately appears in front of me.

I snap my fingers once more and the idiots that still believe in Lila's lies were in it.

"What are you doing Marinette let as out of here"Alya screams.

"I'm not Marinette I'm her inner demon you idiot now everyone shut up before I teleport you to the sun"I threaten.

"Ma-"Alya starts.

"I swear Cessair one more word out of you and poff your gone, wiped from existence"I say with venom laced in my words shutting her up.

I begin to leave"where you going" Lila asks in a sickeningly sweat voice.

"To speak to someone way more important than you'll ever be Rossi"

I walk to my bedroom for a bit of privacy.

Marinette's POV

"Hey Mari" I say softly.


"Marinette why don't you join me in getting revenge on these idiots"

"Because it's not something I would do"I say.

"But listen these people backstabbed you, physically and mentally abused you. They're the reasons you are breaking down"she says leaving me conflicted "you could sing if it makes you feel better I'm out"she says.

"Thanks"I say confused.

A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listenin'?

Cause up till now I've walked the line

Nothing lost but something missing

"Ugh look who it is mari-slut who did you sleep with this weekend"Lila says.

I can't, decide, what's wrong, what's right

Which way should I go?

I see two paths but don't know which one to choose should I go left or right.

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream? Uh oh

"You've bullied Lila for the last time bitch maybe a trip down the stairs will treat you a lesson" Ayla says pushing me down the stairs.

"Nooo" I shout before hitting the ground and blacking out.

Yeah, if only I could read the signs in front of me

I could find the way to who I'm meant to be uh oh

If only... If only, If only

"Miss are you okay you had quite the fall"the nurse says.

"Where am I" I ask, my eyes still adjusting to the light.

"In the hospital you've been in a coma for 2 weeks"

"They's someone here to see you he only left to get something to eat, he hasn't left your side since he arrived"

Every step, every word

Which every hour I am falling in

To something new, something brave

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