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10 years later

Marinette's POV

A lot has happened in the past 10 years I finally got to know my sister in-laws.

"So we finally get to officially miss you in person"Stephanie says. It's the morning after the ball and the girls decided to spend some time together.

"Yeah nice to meet y'all" Marinette says.

"She's so cute" Barbara exclaims.

"But don't forget she's stronger and scarier than she looks" Stephanie says.

"She'll fit in great" Cass says.

Jason comes running into the room with Damian chasing him with a katana. He tackles him into the ground.

"Damian Al Ghulf Wayne, get off my brother before I kick your behind so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week!" Marinette shouts.

Damian quickly gets up.

"Jason please stop messing with him" she pleads.

"Yes ma'am" they both say.

"Get out!" She screams and they both practically run out.

"Ok I was wrong I don't like her I love her" Stephanie says.

I finally got to meet dick's wife (Kori) and daughter (Mari).

"Hey uncle Jay" a little girl shouts tackling Jason into a hug.

"Hi Mari" Jason says.

"Who's this"Mari says pointing at me.

"That's your Aunt Marinette" he replies.

"Hey sweetie" I say.

"Are you the one who's getting married to uncle Damian" she asks.

"Yes do you want to be my flower girl sugar"I ask.

She nods and drags me out of the room.

"Mommy, mommy auntie Marinette asked me to be her flower girl" she says.

"That's great Mari" her mom replies"hey my name is Kori"

"Hi I'm Marinette I love your daughter" I reply.

"Thanks auntie Marinette I love you too" Mari says making us laugh.

"Do you like to bake" I ask earning a nod.

Me a Damian got married and had a baby daughter named Jessica. Right now we're on our way to my old school for a reunion.

"Why are we doing this again" Damian asks as the car pulls up at the school.

"Mari wanted to see her aunt's and uncle again. Plus they don't usually get to see each other. And Jessica messes auntie Chloe" I reply.

"She's not wrong uncle Dami" Mari says looking up from her phone. Mari is now a teenager and graduated a year early at school.

"Mhm"Jessica says agreeing with her cousin.

"Why do I surround myself with over enthusiastic girls" he complains making us all laugh.

We get out of the car.

"Let's get it over and done with"

Chloe's POV

We're currently waiting for Marinette. By we I mean me and my 8 year old child Triston, Luka, Kagami and their twins Lacy and Tracy (both girls).

She soon enters with Mari, Damian and Jessica. All eyes are on her. She immediately walks over to us.

"Auntie Chloe, auntie Gami and uncle Luka"the girls say running towards us.

"Hey girl's" I say hugging them.

We chat for awhile, the miraculous team comes to join us and we continue to chat. Until...

"Marinette how dare you come hear after you recked our lives" Alya screams.

"Good would you shut up Ayla" I screams.

"Who's the crazy lady" Jessica says making us all laugh.

"Well sweetie that's mommy's childhood bully" Marinette says.

"Oh so this is the class" Mari says glaring at them.

"I can't believe how much she looks like you" I says.

"Yeah I've asked these 2 to join me on stage and I swear the crowd was confused on who's my daughter" she says making us all laugh.

The moment was ruined by the lier walking towards us a crouching down to face Jessica.

"Do you know who I am" she asked.

"Umm a nobody who used to bully my mom" she says stamping on her foot.

"Well you" she says holding up her hand to slap her only to be intercepted by Marinette.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" she says.

"And what you-"she is stopped by a knife fly in front of her cutting her sausage hair and hitting the wall.

We all look at where it came from to only to see Jessica trying to look innocent.

"DAMIAN" Mari shouts "you taught her how to use a knife"

"And katana" Jessica says.

"KATANA! DAMIAN WAYNE" she shouts chasing after her retreating husband.

"What are the chances that he'll love" Alix asks.

"10.78%" Max answers.

"Let's continue this at the hotel" I say earning nods from the group.

We leave leaving behind their very confused and scared past classmates.


Hey this was the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed. I might make a bonus chapter of the class being skinned alive. Hope you enjoyed the story. Please vote, comment and follow.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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