Chapter 1

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"Idiot! That's how you run into poles.",Kuroo says pulling Kenma by the back of his shirt.
"I wasn't going to hit it.", Kenma rolled his eyes but then glued them back to his screen. I laughed at his remark, but Kuroo just crossed his arms with a slight smile. "At this point I believe Kenma has two pairs of eyes, he's able to walk and play a super intense game." I say as we approach Nekoma. "I swear one day he will hit a pole."Kuroo says shaking his head side to side. "Kuroo you're staring to sound like Kenma's dad." he just stares at me in response and I instantly stop giggling."Whatever,See ya at lunch I got to go."' Kuroo says as he waves and walks towards the 3rd year building,I wave back and Kenma sticks his hand up slightly as we continue to the 2nd year building. Walking in we take our seats not long after class begins.

✨ T I M E  S K I P✨
Finally the bell for lunch rang as all students go up. I saw Kenma already walking to where we usually hang out.Following I noticed that a girl was watching Kenma pass,her eyes seemed glued to him. I shook it off since its probably due to the face he isn't watching where he was going. Catching up to Kenma we both sat down waiting for Kuroo in the corner of the lunchroom. Kenma suddenly reached for his bag,"Y/n,Here you weren't taking notes in class.", he handed me his notebook. I took it and smiled "Thank you Kenma~".I say while grabbing mine to copy it down.He gives a small nod and continues to play.No more words were spoken but my heart and mind were racing.'He noticed I wasn't taking notes and gave me his notebook!' was what I squealed in my mind over and over again.

Until Kuroo came slamming his lunch tray down."Jeez, What happened to you?", I ask startled by his action. "Sorry,But I forgot my hw for chem on my desk at home and now I have ONE late assignment.", he bangs his head on the table."Calm down, I mean it's just 1 assignment you can make up the points easily.", I say taking a bite out of my lunch. Kenma looks up at me and shakes his head.Thats when I realized Kuroo had said chem. Slowly tilting my head I saw a furious Kuroo.He began to lecture me about how Chem was important to him and now it's late and he can't do anything about it. I tried to tune out Kuroo but he noticed and just got louder, I ended up shoving a piece of bread into his mouth to shut him up.Earning a laugh from Kenma. Lunch continued just fine after that but I could shake off the feeling that someone was watching the whole time.

✨T I M E  S K I P✨
It's been 2 weeks now and I've noticed Kenma doesn't spend lunch with Kuroo and I as much. Kuroo told me many times to calm down since he might've gotten a new game and wants to finish it soon. But It's taken a toll on me. Yes he does walk with us every morning and all that but he acts differently. I couldn't figure it out,it felt like he was slowly reaching a point where I couldn't get to. Like crossing a bridge that lifts up before I could follow. Kuroo told me to brush it off and I did just that, for the first few days but this is out of hand. I let out another loud sigh and Kuroo slams his hands on the table."This is your 5th sigh this lunch period. Are you tired of me?", he pouts as he crosses his arms.Its not that I didn't like Kuroo's company it's just Something was off about Kenma and it was worrying me."Kuroo I would never get tired of you.", I say with a reassuring smile. He smiles back satisfied with my answer. "Want anything from the vending machine?", I ask wanting to get up and walk around."Nope.", Kuroo says opening his notebook to go over notes. I nod getting up and walking over to the vending machine to get milk. I was having a hard time choosing what to get when I heard something that caught my attention."Kenmaaa~ Can you look at me please~~~", was what I heard my eyes widen there's no way I heard that name right. I know I shouldn't, everything in me was screaming to turn around and walk way,but before I knew it my head was peaking around the corner. That's when I saw Kenma and a girl sitting together on the floor near our classroom. Kenma turned off his game and looked at the girl. Her back was turned , so I have no clue who she is. Though I saw the way Kenma smiled once his eyes met hers, and how he slightly leaned in that's when I felt a pain in my chest. I quickly turned back not wanting to see what happened my legs were ready to give up on me. I know,I should be happy for my best friend but I couldn't find myself to. Maybe this was a misunderstanding. Was all I could tell myself getting up and walking back to where Kuroo was I sat down defeated. "Yo, What happened? I thought you were getting something from the vending machine why come back empty handed.", Kuroo asked his eyes still on his notebook.I couldn't respond. He finally looked up and his facial expression changed quickly.    " Did you see a ghost?!? Are you okay?!?", he asked Frailing his arms around in a panic. I broke out of my trance and just smiled slightly. I saw his shoulders relax."I'm fine and it might've been a ghost", I joked. Kuroo now terrified of "the ghost" that roams around the school. I on the other hand was trying to hide how hurt I actually was just to avoid any conflict. Luckily I was able to hold out all lunch and head back to class. Walking in I noticed Kenma in his seat already and I approached slowly hesitant to sit next to him. "Y/n, Sorry about not making it to lunch.", Kenma suddenly said.Hearing his voice now made me 10x more nervous than it did before. "It's cool, Kuroo now believes there's a ghost that haunts this school.",I joked and Kenma rolled his eyes and slightly smiled. My heart skipped another beat and I almost cried right then and there. After school, I changed and got everything ready for the boys practice. I sat down and kept quiet while taking notes. I'm pretty sure the team noticed since I am usually talkative. "Is manger okay,Kuroo?", I heard Lev ask very loudly I didn't react. I heard a smack sound and peaked to see Lev holding the back of his head. Meaning Kuroo must've smacked him. No one else asked about my condition the rest of the practice which I was quite grateful for. After practice and cleaning the gym, Kuroo and Kenma were waiting for me as I locked up the gym. Walking back home was weird though it wasn't awkward. Kuroo was talking about some stuff Kenma was playing and I was reacting to some statements Kuroo made. Finally, making it home I waved the boys off and went in took off my shoes and greeted my mom then rushed up stairs.

Once I reached my room and closed the door the emotions I held in were let out. I cried while I flopped onto my bed. I sat up and wiped my face ,why was I crying over such a little incident. I finally pulled myself together and went to do my homework. I was almost done when I saw my phone light up from my bed. I got up and read it and dropped my phone.

COME BACK TO READ WHAT THE MESSAGE WAS. Hehe I know I'm a terrible person for that cliffhanger but trust me it's going to get good from here


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