Chapter 6

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I was lazily moving around my room. Due to me hanging out with Kageyama yesterday I fell asleep without packing my bag for training camp. Quickly shoving everything I need for the week into a bag. I ran down stairs, seeing my mom in the kitchen. "Good luck during training camp", my mom said handing me a drink. "Thanks mom", I smiled to her and went out the door. Only to be met with A tired Kuroo. "Woahh, Kuroo you're usually awake what happened", I ask concerned. "Well I was reading the textbook, and I ended up reading until 3 am", he said lightly chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck. "You are legit the only person I know that would stay up late studying", I sigh. "Is Kenma walking with us?", I ask Kuroo looking over his shoulder to Kenmas house. "I don't think so", He said looking back at his house. "We should get going before we are late Y/n", Kuroo said pointing to his watch. I nodded and we proceeded to walk to school. Arriving to the whole team yelling at us. "Y/n~~ What took you to long", Lev said as he tried to come up to me. But I was able to dodge the overgrown child. "Lev I woke up a bit late", I said fixing my shirt. (A/n: You don't hate Lev this is ur way of teasing him) "You all need to set up the gym before the other teams arrive so I suggest you all start now", coach said as we all hurried to get the gym and rooms ready for our guest and ourselves. After an hour or so of cleaning we got to sit and wait for the other teams. Everyone was just in the gym talking but I was still filling up water bottles. I finished and walked in and smiled at everyone. Kuroo and Kenma are taking again which makes me very happy. Once I set down the bottles I heard the squeaking of bus brakes so I ran out. I wasn't the only one either we all ran out to see who arrived. "HEY HEY HEYYY", I heard once they bus doors were open. Fukurodani was the first to arrive. As they all got settled we all waited for other teams to arrive so we can start. Once Shinzen, Ubugawa and Karasuno arrived we were able to start. Sadly I wasn't able to talk to Kageyama, we did greet each other but it was brief. While the matches were going on I couldn't stop myself from Looking towards the court Karasuno was playing. (Little did you know someone couldn't stop looking in your direction) Finally the first break of the players arrived. I made sure to fill the water bottles early. So I could try and talk to Kageyama. I saw him walk out of the gym, I followed. "Kags", I said approaching him. "Hey,Y/n", he let out. "Tired?", I ask handing him the face towel I keep in my pocket. "A bit but I have enough strength to play 50 more matches", he said handing me back my towel. I laughed at his excitement towards volleyball. "I bet you can play all those matches", I said he stood there nodding. "Well, I am finally able to thank you the way you wanted... I'm here at the training camp.", I said twirling around jokingly. He slightly chuckled, " Okay, I get it idiot, thanks for coming", he said patting my head. I smiled at him checking my watch to see that their break was almost over. "You need to get back in", I said looking at the gym doors. "That's right", he said as he headed towards the door slightly waving. I jokingly blew him a kiss and he just shook his head, before turning around and running in. I followed in not long after him and sat back in my chair. Only to be watched by almost the whole team. Lev finally came up to me "So...Y/n anything you want to tell us", he asked me."Uh? Not that I know of", I replied confused. Yaku was about to say something but time was up and they had to play again. After two matches Nekoma and Karasuno were able to play against each other for the first time today. Watching the match unfold I guess I was lost in a trance, because the bag of water bottles was put on my lap. Kuroo was out of the match,he didn't say anything but signaled for me to go refill them. I quickly got up and rushed to refill the teams bottles. Dang it Y/n, You need to focus. That was when I noticed my feelings towards Kageyama weren't for friendship. I wanted more... I quickly headed into the gym trying to keep my feelings in line. Come on Y/n Didn't you see what happened last time. I set the water bottles down and looked at the score. Nekoma was at set point. But Karasuno took a time out. Before the time out ended Kiyoko tapped my shoulder.  "Y/n, Lets help with their food", Kiyoko said smiling. I feel like everytime I see her she gets more and more beautiful. "Mhmmmm", I responded getting up and putting my notebook down. I looked over to see if I misplaced anything. Seeing nothing I continue to walk with Kiyoko. "Is Yachi going to help us", I ask seeing the first year manger is not with us. "No she wants to take notes", Kiyoko says as we reach the cafeteria. When we entered I saw the managers of Fukurōdani were already setting up plates and organizing the place so Kiyoko and I started to help. Finally it was lunch and the boys started to pile into the cafeteria. My eyes were wandering looking for Kags when I was tapped on my shoulder by coach Ukai. "You're Nekoma's manger correct?", He asked. "Yes, I am", I said smiling. "Well the students who volunteered to help with the camp arrived I thought you could show them around since this is your school.", he said pointing towards the door and I saw a few girls and two boys at the entrance. I nodded and said it would be no problem and went to the group. "Hello, I'm Nekoma's manger Y/n and I will be showing you around", I said looking at the group. But one face I recognized it was Kenma's girlfriend. It seems she remembers me too. Oh well can't be helped. I showed the group around explaining the rooms,where the boys practice, and the schedule we go by. A lot of them didn't really react verbally just nods here and there. But I felt a cold chill from behind, I glance and see Kenmas girl staring me down. Trying to push it aside as we enter the cafeteria. Everyone scatters into their own groups. But my eyes seem to follow the girl who goes up to Kenma and clings to him. His expression unreadable. Before I could examine the two further. "Y/n?", I heard a voice behind me call, not just any voice. "Kags!", I turn to see him with his hands in his pocket. "Woah, How did you know", he ask. "Uh by your voice duh", I said giggling. He just rolls his eyes. "Idiot", he mumbles. I slightly punch him and close my eyes waiting for one back but he doesn't punch me. "I'm not going to hit you", he says as he walks away to the vending machine. I let out a sigh of relief,but follow him. He hands me( Fav milk flavor), "Oooo Thank youuuu~", I say as I grab it from him. "Mhmmm", he responds. We spend the rest of the lunch together then they go off to practice again.

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