Chapter 7

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It's been two weeks since training camp and as exams come up the summer festival arrives as well. I have been waiting for the perfect chance to ask Kageyama if he wanted to go to the festival with me but I can't bring myself to ask. But the more time I spent debating suddenly it was exam day.

Ughhhhh I sat in my chair answering all the questions I could. If only I didn't have a memory of a rock I could finish this stupid test faster. After the longest 2 hours of my life exams were over.

"Ahhhh that took forever I could've been done with the level I was stuck on by now", Kenma sighs walking out trying grab his psp from his bag

I sigh and nod way to tired to respond to the pudding hair boy. We walk to the table and spot a passed out Kuroo. "Is he dead?" , I ask as Kenma and I take a seat at the table. "Who knows", Kenma rolls his eyes as he continues to play unbothered by the bed head third year.

"I don't think I did well on the exams", Kuroo let's out with a big sigh. "Kuroo, I'm sure you did a great job I mean out of all of us you probably have the most brain cells", I say taking out the lunch I made for myself.

"But I just have that feeling", he says taking some of my rice. "Hey!...", I took a deep breath before continuing "Okay Kuroo you have been studying non stop for this quiz I'm sure you got top marks", I saw sliding my lunch box further away from him. He sits up satisfied with my answer.

"Y/n don't baby him he just wants to be praised", Kenma says eating his lunch that practically appeared from no where. "You..", Kuroo was about to throw a book at Kenma but instead just took his psp which resulted in a fight between the two. "Both of you stop", I said trying to seem mad but I just let out a giggle. Kuroo and Kenma look at each other then at me and smile. I really missed this thank goodness we are all friends again. Until the screech of a chair pull up. Just like that Kenma and I are separated. "What did I miss",Aki says while smiling. "Nothing really", Kenma says going straight back to his game. "Come on I can hear you all laughing from the lunch lines. She says hitting Kenmas arm. Causing the sound of him dying to be heard. He sighs and just puts his phone back in his bag. Kuroo and I just awkwardly look at each other.

Yes our group is back together but Aki now joins us everywhere and doesn't let us forget her and Kenma are dating. It gets annoying but Kuroo and I got used to it.

The table now quiet the only thing that can be heard is swallowing or chewing of food. Until my phone dings.

I look to see a text from Kags

"Oi Idiot meet me at the gym at 5" - Kags

I smile at the text looking back on it Kags and I haven't been to the gym lately. I quickly texted back "Okie" and shove my phone back to my pocket. But I guess I was a little to noticeable since everyone at the table was staring at me. But Aki takes my arm "Ooooo who is Y/n texting", she says while gripping onto my arm like we've been friends forever. Not saying I dislike her or anything but I have a feeling she dislikes me. But moving that aside I say no one and try to keep my face straight but Kuroo let's our his hyena laugh.

"You are wayyyy toooo obvious!", he laughs almost hitting his head on the table. Kenma is just sitting there with an unreadable expression while Aki is still holding on my arm laughing along with Kuroo.

I just sit there and smile through the pain and the constant teasing. Luckily not long after the bell rang and we all returned to class.

I waited and hoped for time to fly faster I just couldn't wait to see Kags again. But I noticed how spaced out Kenma seemed all though class . I just thought I could ask him about it during practice.

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