Chapter 8

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"Will me pick a gift for my cousin", he says rubbing the back of his neck. I pout but then smile "Yeah I can totally help you", I say. I actually thought he was about to ask me to the festival. I mentally slap myself as we walked to the outdoor mall that's near here. Luckily that's where my cafe was so I can satisfy my crave of my *fav drink*. "Is it her birthday soon?", I ask as we walk. "Yeah...It's in two days actually", he says. We finally see the shops but I ask Kags if we can get my fav drink. We walk into the cafe and stand in line. "So what do you plan on getting her?", I ask as he looks at the menu. "I don't really know that's why I asked for your help", he says looking at me. " Oh! That's right",I giggle as I forgot he asked for help. "Idiot", he says rolling his eyes. "Well Kags do you know her clothing size or her fav color and all that?", I ask to figure out what grounds we have. "Umm I don't really know that stuff...", he said and I stared at him in disbelief. "Then what the frick are we going to gift her", I said as look around if I was being to loud. "That's why I asked you for helpppp", he says throwing his arms around a bit. I was about to respond till it was our turn to order. I order my drink while Kags ordered his and I was about to pay but he already handed the cashier cash. "I could've paid you know", I look at him as I put my wallet away. He just stuck his tongue out at me. The cashier chuckles a bit but stopped when Kags and I looked at him. He handed the receipt and we took a seat.

"Okay so since you know absolutely nothing about your cousin what type of gift would you get her", I asked as I played with the receipt. "Type...", he responded. I let out a sigh "Want to get her like clothes,makeup,jewelry,facial...", I tried listing a few ideas. He shrugged. This boy is something else. "How about we look at all the options", he says looking out the window. I just stare at him in shock. "I don't know let's just go around and let's see what happens", he says smiling. I got shivers. "We should practice that a bit", he pouts. "No no no I think your smile is beautiful it's just needs some I don't know what it needs but make it less like you want to kill me", I saw before he could reply the cashier calls out our number. I get up and grab our drinks. Going back to our seat I give Kags his drink and start to drink mine. We drank and talked about random topics. We finished and we're about to walk out when boom a girl bumped into Kags pulling him down with her.

"OH my god I am so sorry!", she said as she sprang to her feet. "It's fine", he says as he tries to get up. I walk closer and help him up and turn to the girl. "You sure you alright", I ask as Kags try's to dust himself off. "Yes I am thank you and sorrry again", she says as she rushes to the back of the cafe. "Oh she must be late to her shift", I saw as Kags and I walk out. "Are you okay", I turn to him and poke his sides. "Oi! I'm fine", he says moving away from my hands. I laugh as he just scoffs but I see him look away and smile.

The first store we enter is a makeup store. We walk around and I start advertising my fav products to Kags. "Jeez you should just work here", he says as he picks up a few of the items I showed him. It looked as if he was memorizing some of the items. But he didn't want anything for his cousin. So we moved on. After visiting a ton of stores he ended up getting her some shirt and a jacket. I ended up getting a lipstick for myself. But I totally wanted a jacket but I knew I shouldn't spend money like that. This was my shot at being responsible. The day ended with Kags walking me home.

"Thanks for helping with my cousin", he said. "No problem Kags always here for you!", I said as poking around him. "Alright alright" , he laughed. He started to walk off. As I waited till he was far enough I went inside. As I took off my shoes and headed upstairs it hit me. I DIDNT ASK HIMMM IEKSIAAN  I absolutely suck. *sigh* I guess I have to find another time.

After school I ended up heading down to the cafe. I ordered what I would normally get and decided to just play games since I had nothing else to do. But the. I heard a familiar voice. "Oh! That's right", I looked up and saw Y/n with that damn first year setter. She was giggling and everything it ticked me off. But for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. It felt so nostalgic and I couldn't look away. It was the universe rubbing it in that I messed up.  I know it may sound worrisome but I ended up following them through many different stores. But after 3 I left I couldn't handle it. Just looking at how Y/n's eyes sparkle while looking at him hurts. I don't think they started dating since there was no skin contact between the two. Lucky for me cause If they were all over each other I may have lost it. But I know what Kuroo said was correct. I put Y/n though a lot of pain. There's no way it can work between us now. It's better to stay friends...

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