Chapter 3

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I kept hearing my phone ring, and everytime it did I turned over. My ringtone never stopped it kept ringing, finally deciding to pick it up I sighed.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?", I heard Kageyama scream through the other side. Jumping out of bed and checking the time it was almost 2.
"Shit! Sorry Kags I over slept I'll be here 2:30", I say frantically moving  around my room."I'm at the gym near the cafe since I need to practice.", he says. "Okay,I'll meet you there.", I reply before hanging up to get ready. I ran out the front door sprinting to the gym Kageyama was talking about. I made it and stopped to catch my breath. Fixing myself a bit to look presentable, I walked in seeing one net set up and Kageyama on the other side practicing volleyball. He stops once he spots me. I walk closer smiling.
"Why are you sweatier than me", he threw a towel at my face."Oh shut up.I ran.", I wiped my face and neck then threw it back at him. "You didn't have to. I would've still been here if you were 2 more hours late.", he grabs a water bottle and hands it to me as he reaches into his bag. I quickly drink the water and he hands me my chapstick and ID."Thank you again.", I say he just nods while I go to the wall near his bag and sit down."You going to stay here?", he ask spiking the ball making a loud sound which makes me jolt. "I need to rest a bit.", I say just leaning on the wall closing my eyes."Whatever.", he says as he continues to practice. I watched at how he spikes and serves and damn they look powerful I feel like my arms would fall off trying to receive them. "After you practice wanna go to the cafe?", I ask unconsciously. I mentally slap myself why did I ask him that. "Yeah I'm down.", he says continuing. I continued to watch as he got into his real practice of setting. I took out my phone and saw that Kuroo texted me.

Yo wanna hang out with Bokuto and I

Sorry Can't I'm already hanging out with Kags


Shoot I mean Kageyama

Oh I see alright have fun ;)

Whatever knock it off

I look up and see that Kageyama was setting up bottles. He then continues to set and try to hit them.  "Hey do you need someone to spike?", I ask. He looks at me,"You know how to play?",he ask. "Yeah I play all the time with Kuroo and Kenma.", I say walking over to him. I learned how to play when we were younger. He just shrugs and I get into position. He sets it and I jump and slam the ball to the other side of the court. "Woah you can play.", he says."I told you I could, did you think I was lying?", I snapped back at him. I ended up helping him for another hour. "How are you not tired?", I ask out of breath. "I do this a lot.", he says as he continues to set. I go back to where I was seated. Finishing the bottle he gave me. "A few more spikes then we can go to the cafe.", he says looking at me. "Jeez you are one crazy dude.", I say getting up.

Once we cleaned up the gym we both headed out and walked to the cafe. It was almost 5 so the cafe was filled with people who go there for night studying,luckily we were able to find a table. At first we didn't speak but slowly we were able to talk."Did you really not see me during the match against Nekoma?", I asked baffled at how he didn't know I was the manger. "No you were there?", he ask still confused. "YES! I am the manger for nekoma.", I say for at least the 10th time. "To be fair I only focus on the matches.", he says finishing his drink. "I guess that's important too.", I finish mine. We left not long after and he walked me home, even though his house is the other way. "I told you I can walk on my own Kags.", I said as we continued."Like I said it's almost dark and I was taught to always walk a girl home.", he said huffing. I gave up and just let him walk me. Approaching my house,"Kags my house is right there you can go now", I said pointing a few houses down. "I can walk to your drive way...also why do you call me Kags?", he ask looking at me."Your name is long so I shortened it, Do you not like it?" , I stop to look at him. "No,You can call me whatever you want,plus I call you idiot so...", he continued to walk. "Then it's fair.", I say smiling even though his nickname for me is idiot. We made it to my drive way when I thanked him for everything he just nods."Goodnight Kags...Oh! And text me when you get home", I said before he could walk off."Night idiot, I will.", was what he said before walking away.

I wait till he is completely out of my sight when I head inside to see my mom. "Sooooo...Who was that ;)", she said sliding out of the kitchen to me."Kageyama a underclassmen Of mine", I say while taking off my shoes."I see...", she says as she walks away. I sigh but walk up stairs but when I opened the door I spot Kuroo helping Bokuto through my window. "What are you guys doing?!", I help Kuroo so Bokuto doesn't fall. "Well,we wanted to surprise you but you came in to early", Bokuto says pouting. "You know you could've came through the door.", I said pointing at the door."Then that ruins the surprise factor.", Kuroo says while Bokuto nodded. "I can't believe your older.", I shook my head while the boys just look at each other. We talked for a bit but I shoved them out of my room so they could go back home. Right when I closed the door to my room Kags texted me he got home and we texted goodnight one more time. I flopped on my bed remembering that there's school tomorrow so I have to face Kenma. I sighed dreading morning will come.



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