Chapter 4

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Standing outside my drive way with Kuroo waiting to see if Kenma would walk with us to school. Yes, I know it's weird but It would just be rude if we left him. Kuroo let out a loud sigh. "I knew this would happen.", he says pulling his bag up his shoulder. "Huh, What?", I reply looking at him. "Why do you think I'm single?", he says. I just stare at him,"Because all you do is play volleyball and rant about chem...".Was my response but he hit me in the head. "No! Because I want freedom.", he says as he walks."Are you saying Kenma doesn't have that?",I follow behind him."I mean,it depends but why else would he not walk with us?",Kuroo looks off to the side. I could tell he was hurt as well, I feel it's my fault that he isn't walking with us."I'm sorry...You should talk and try to be friends again.", I say before looking down.I mean they were friends first, I moved in that house when I was in my last year of elementary, that's when I met Kenma and he introduced me to Kuroo and I stuck with them ever since. "Why are you apologizing?", Kuroo stops."I mean he's been avoiding me unless we're practicing, so I think I could walk to school by myself.", I say as I continue to walk. "That's not true and you don't need to, he'll come around eventually", He was now next to me. I guess he's right,he can't ignore us forever. There's no way he could right? Actually I ignored him first, maybe I'll talk with him. We finally arrived and I separated from Kuroo. Walking to the classroom door I took a deep breath before entering. Only to see Kenmas seat empty. Huh? He always waits here before class, Is he absent? I sat down and noticed his bag was there meaning he was at school. It then dawned on me he was probably at the other girls class. The warning bell rang and students started to enter the classroom. I anxiously waited for pudding head to walk through. I needed to talk with him ,I need to fix the friendship. The pudding head arrives. As he takes his seat, "Kenma..", I let out he just looks at me."What.", he says with a tone, I'm surprised since he never used it around me. I guess right now isn't the time, maybe I should let time sort it out. "Never mind.", I said defeated. He just shrugged and faced forward. I sigh, the comforting feeling around him was gone,I couldn't seem to find that feeling I always felt around him anymore. It hurts knowing that girl will most likely do the things I used to do with him.Imagining him comforting her they way he did for me is a hard pill to swallow. I guess heartbreak is apart of growing up.Will I pass this stage Of life,or will I end up a cat lady in the future.

✨T I M E  S K I P✨
The bell signaling school has ended rang throughout the classrooms. I gathered my things and headed to the gym. Waiting for the boys to come in and start practicing. I sat fiddling with the Pen, I wonder if Kuroo and Kenma were able to talk. The team starts to file in and coach called for a group huddle.He then explained there would be a training camp at the end of the month and talked about how we need permission slips to attend. Do I even want to go with the team to the training camp? I should to support the team but... The whistle of the coach slapped me back to reality. I focused on taking notes. When I felt the phone in my back pocket vibrate.

Oi,Idiot you busy around 5pm

I'm not and aren't you in practice Kags

The third years haven't opened the gym yet

Oh, I see

Want to go to the gym with me at 5 again

Ohhhhh Yeah Id like to,But why the sudden invite?

You already agreed idiot no further questions

Yes sir! See you later Kags:)

See ya

I giggled at my phone and put it back in my pocket, going  back to my notes. (Little did Y/n someone was staring-Author spoiling y'all)
I kept glancing at the clock waiting for practice to end so I can quickly finish my homework so I can head the gym. Soon enough the boys started to clean the gym. I helped with collecting balls and putting the cart away. Then waited outside for Kuroo and Kenma. Seeing the both talking outside the locker room. I sightly smile,thankfully they are talking again. That was before I see what looks like yelling. What? Were they fighting? I didn't know what to do when I saw Kuroo storming pass me. I glance at Kenma he seemed to look the other way avoiding eye contact. I sigh and walk towards Kuroo trying to catch up with him. "Kuroo! Hey what happened?" , I finally reached him. "I don't know who that is...cuz who ever that is it's not Kenma!",he says."what do you mean?", I ask concerned."H-he would never say that about his best friend.", he then looks at me. "It doesn't matter.He needs to wake up!", he finally lets out while taking a few deep breaths. I don't push the topic any further. We continue to walk in silence. Finally reaching my house before I entered," Y/n the gang is hanging out at my house you can join.", Kuroo says. I was about to agree when I remember Kags so I declined. He just nodded and walked towards his house. I entered my house and quickly did my homework. Once I changed and got ready then texted Kags that I'm on my way. He responded saying he was as well so I walked out my house. To my surprise I see Kuroo,Bokuto,Akaashi and Tsukki all walking.
"Hey hey hey! Manger!", Bokuto yells at me. I smile and wave to the boys. "Where are you headed?", Kuroo ask,"To my favorite cafe.", I say knowing if they find out I'm about to head to see Kags I wouldn't hear the end of it. "We're heading that way too but we stop at the convince store.",Akaashi says. They then insist I walk with them on the way there. When we approach the convince store I wave all of them goodbye then head towards the "cafe". Once I was far enough I crossed the street and headed to the gym checking the time it was 4:50 and I was about 5 minutes Away so I would make it in time. Walking into the gym I see that Kags was setting up the net so I went to help him.
"You sure walk quietly.", he says,"Or you have bad ears.", I respond and he threw the towel that was around his neck at me. "I can hear perfectly.", he said finishing the net.i took the towel and placed it ontop of his bag. Taking a seat near the bag. The events of today still fresh on my mind. What went wrong?, was the only question on my mind. "Oi, earth to Y/n?", Kageyama said suddenly in front of me."AH!, Sorry lost in thought.", I responded."I asked if you want to spike?", he says moving back towards the net. "Ummm sure.", I got up and went to go spike.

✨M A J O R T I M E S K I P✨
School has been quite quiet for Y/n since Kuroo was busy with studies for exams she usually spent lunch alone.There was some improvement with the friendship. Even though the walks are quiet at least they are able to walk to school together. Slowly everything has been improving.On a happier note Y/n and Kageyama have gotten a lot closer.Ever since the day Kags asked you to go to the gym you made it your daily routine to go there everyday with Kageyama. Soon enough the end of the month rolled around. It was again night when you were at the gym. "Kags your school is also going to the training camp that's in a week right?", I asked him while trying to set the ball against the wall.
"Uhh, Duh", he responded spiking the ball. "Jeez it was just a question.", I mocked him. "Isn't it held at your school? Shouldn't you know what schools are attending?", he asked. I turned around and nodded. "But I don't know if you weren't allowed to no parent permission or something.", I said turning back to the wall. "Are you not going to be there?" He asks. "Umm, there was a situation, but I think I'm over it now, plus you'll be there so maybe I will go", I said and looked at him. "I mean it's also held at your school, wouldn't it be a waste not to go?", he said still setting. "I better see you there idiot.", he continued as he stop setting. Now we were both staring at each other. "I mean...", he cut me off. "", I did not ask any more questions. Because of how I reacted he chuckled a bit. "Huh! The king himself laughed", I said earning a hard smack from Kageyama. "Don't call me king, you remind me of Tsukishima", he said turning back to the wall. "I don't think being called a king is a bad thing. Maybe it was in the past, but now I think it's cool.", I huffed and went back to setting. He didn't respond but I felt him staring. If he didn't want me to call him king I won't."Kags it's late. Let's go.", I said checking the time. "Didn't even notice.", he said while we begun to clean up.

We reached my drive way. "Thanks again and Text me-", he cut me off " when I get home", he finished my sentence. I smile and turned around to enter my house. "Wait Y/n", Kageyama called out. I turn around and walked back to him. "Yes", I asked. "Here.", he handed me a bag while coving his face. I took it in my hands. "No way you got me something.", I said exited. "Wait Kags I didn't get you anything.", I pouted. "It's fine... Don't think about it just open it when you get inside.", he said not looking at me. "Are you sure?", I ask trying to look at him but he keeps avoiding my gaze. "Yes now get inside before I take it back idiot.", he said shoving me back to my door step. As he ran away. I laughed at him and went inside. Once in my room I opened the bag to see a velvet box. No way. I open the box to see a gorgeous( Fav Jewelry item) it had a volleyball charm on it as well. Shocked I immediately went to my phone and dialed Kageyama.
✨O N  T H E  P H O N E✨


Shut it idiot your so loud-Kageyama

Don't get to sentimental I saw it in the store and thought of you and I got it so don't think it's an important gift or anything-Kageyama

Of course I'm going to think it's important I love it thank you Kags and don't worry I will return the favor-Y/n

Don't get me anything Idiot just make sure your at training camp-Kageyama

Should I go instead of giving you a gift-Y/n

Yeah I'd accept you going to the training camp as a thank you-Kageyama

Whatever you say Kags- Y/n

(From the gods pov Y/n was currently rolling around her bed like a manic since this is the first time she has received jewelry from a boy and no this isn't the author being sad because she knows no one will do this for her😃👍)

The call went on for another hour until both fell asleep on the line. As both dreamed, someone else laid in their bed regretting their actions.

AYEEEE this was long anyways I didn't put a specific Jewelry since idk what y'all like so just imagine something ya like and yes me being single af and not having anyone to love me was true😞 I am a very lonely person using Wattpad as a coping mechanism🤫✌️

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