Chapter 9

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"What are you smiling at so early in the morning?"my mom asks while washing the dishes. "Mom...I have something to tell you", I said putting down my phone. "Finally!", she said as she quickly put down the dishes to sit next to me. "So did it go well with the boy..or should I say "Kags"", my mom said mocking my voice. ""Mom  (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') I have a boyfriend", I said pretending to cry and my mom shot up from her chair and started to chant I joined her and we just danced in the kitchen for a while

After that I told her about the festival and how I am meeting up with Kags for practice before the festival

"You still want to practice?", she said rolling her eyes
"Yes volleyball is very important for him so we have to meet both ways you know", I said crossing my arms at the entrance of the kitchen. "Omg I might cry", my mom said as she leaned on the kitchen sink. "I want to be a teenager again", she said sighing then continued to do the dishes.

I smiled and headed up stairs since it's 9 am and we planned to meet at 11 I had a lot of time the plan was to practice then head to my house to get ready for the festival since it started at 5 pm anyways While getting my clothes ready for the festival I put on some workout pants and a shirt when I got a call

Yo Kags wasssup-Y/n
Are you getting ready?-Kags
Yea almost done why?- Y/n
Wanted to ask if you wanted to get a drink before we head to the gym-Kags
I would love to! *Fav Cafe*?- Y/n
Yup that's what I was planing- Kags
Yes sounds like a plan-Y/n
Oh right I am outside your house right now- Kags

I ran downstairs and opened the door and saw Kags sitting on the door step

"What the heck is wrong with you sir", I said hanging  up while leaning on the door way. "I couldn't wait to play", he said standing up smiling like an idiot. "Omg you are something else", I said while I chuckled. "Alright sir you shall play volleyball let me go grab my bag real quick", I said he nodded and Handed me his bag of clothes I then ran up stairs grabbing my purse and shoving my phone inside while heading down stairs.

While walking we were talking about what we wanted to do at the festival and trying to roughly plan it out Also Sunday we hang out with Hinata so that is something to look forward to but as we walked I noticed Kags trying to hold my hand I smiled and grabbed his and just laughed at his supprsied expression but we continued and we were standing in front of the cafe before I knew it

"What are you ordering?", I asked as we got inside. "Umm I don't know", he said staring at the menu I laugh at him and we wait for our turn. "How may I-", the waitress stops as she looks up from the cashier and straight at Kags. "Oh! Kageyama do you want to usual?", the lady ask. I just look at the two of them. He comes here often?

"What would you like?", she turns to ask me. "Oh I would like *Fav drink* please", I said still dazed but I was able to pull myself together and pay despite Kags trying to go against it. "I can pay Y/n", he said with a small whine tone. "Its fine you know I am still older than you right", I said as we sat down. "You are only older by a year", he said slumping in his seat. But my mind was still filled with the questions. In the end I decided to trust Kags. After finishing our drinks we headed to the gym.

But to our surprise there were already people there. "Y/nnnnnnnn!!!", I head someone yell from the other side of the gym it was Bokuto. "Looks like manger is here", he said running towards us and poking my arm. He then looked up and saw Kags. "Ooooo one of the crows are here as well", he said as he pulled me away and to the Court they were at. Seeing as Kuroo,Kenma,Aki, Tsukki and Akashi were already there. "We can play a gameeee!", Bokuto said getting on the court with Kageyama now next to me. "Oh Y/n and I can take score....KAGEYAMA?!", she said running to him and hugging him. We all just stood there. "Hi Aki", he said monotoned. "You know Aki?",Kenma said suddenly and for some reason it felt like he was excited. "Yeah she's my cousin", he said pulling away from her coming next to me. "The one we got a present for", he said near my ear I nodded. Kuroo was giving me the look and I nodded and he smiled. They started to play and the teams were Kenma Kuroo Tsukki one team then Bokuto Akashi and Kags on the other. Of course  Aki wanted to keep points for Kenma's team but I had no problem since I can just stare at Kags. After Birds won(Bokuto team) they just kept playing games with different rotations and I played a few matches. After playing they wanted to go eat somewhere but Kags and I declined saying we want to practice a bit more and once they left Kags and I just kept passing to each other while talking about school.

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