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Evelyn was cleaning up her kitchen when the doorbell rang. She got up and carefully made her way out, not bothering to count the steps because in her own place she knew the whole layout by heart and felt most comfortable walking around.

"Who is it?"

"Eve, it's me. Jason."

A smile spread on her face as she opened the door and stepped back to let him in.

"Jay, what a pleasant surprise."

He locked the door after stepping in and turned to face her, "how are you?"

"Good, you?"

"As usual," he took her hands gently and closed her fingers over the white cane that he had brought.

"What's this...?" But her voice drifted off as she recognized the slender cane and a smile crept over her features, "you got it repaired?"

He smiled as well seeing the look of pure relief on her face, "yup."

"Thank you so much."

But to his surprise she stepped forward and flung her arms around him in a hug, her wrists crossing at the back of his neck.

Jason froze for a second for it had been really long since he had experienced such a gesture but then he wrapped his arms around her gently, holding her close against him.

For the first time in years, a strange sort of warmth crept into his heart and he felt as if he had finally come back home after years of being lost.

Evelyn pulled apart but the smile was still playing upon her lips, "come on in. What would you like to have; tea, coffee, juice?"

"Nothing, thank you."

"Nonsense. I was just making some tea for myself and would love if you keep company."

He followed her into the kitchen, taking his seat at a stool by the breakfast counter, "alright then, as you wish."

Jason watched her closely as she effortlessly navigated her way through the kitchen, working almost as if there was no hindrance in her sight. She had gotten so accustomed to living on her own that all those daily tasks had seeped into her with a perfect normalcy.

"Eve," he asked breaking the short moment of silence, "what do you do when you're not at home?"

"I teach piano in the Gotham Institute of Arts and Music," she replied pouring the water carefully into the kettle, "and sometimes they ask me to play for events like Galas or weddings etc."

"So you're a musician?"

"You could say that," she laughed, "it started out as a hobby but then I figured I could use it as a profession. Plus it's a lot easier for me than opting for any other career option."

A short while of silence lingered between them again but Evelyn didn't seem to mind it as she placed the cups in front of him on the counter and perched up on a stool across from him.

She spoke up at last, in attempts of mending the pause, "I had played for Mister Wayne's Gala last year. His son Timothy was so interested to learn that he later stopped by my place for classes."

Jason's ears perked up because as far as he knew, Bruce did not have any other son than Richard Grayson, "Timothy?"

"Timothy Drake," she elaborated, "he adopted him a while ago after his parents had died. The boy's very sweet and very fast at learning. I like him a lot."

His jaw clenched slightly as a pang of jealousy coursed through his veins, "and when exactly had he adopted him?"

Her brow furrowed in a thoughtful expression, "it's been years now... Four years ago, perhaps?"

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