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The sunlight filtering through the curtains in the room was dim as it was just a little after dawn and the rays were faint. Evelyn woke up feeling his grip loosen as he disentangled himself from her carefully then adjusted the blanket over her again. 

"Jason, are you going somewhere?"

"Oh you're awake," he mumbled, his voice still sleepy as he had just woken up. 

She tried to sit up but he gently kissed her, making her lie back down on the bed. "What time is it?"

"Much earlier than the usual. Go to sleep, Eve." 

"And you?"

"There's something I have to take care of, then I'll be back."

Her fingers lingered on his face and she could feel a smile break out on his features as he kissed her once again in slight reassurance. "And what about breakfast...?"

"I'll manage. Rest for now, okay? I won't take long."

"Right," her eyes fluttered shut and she felt his lips press onto her forehead slightly and then he left the bed. 

Sleep overcame her shortly after and though she could hear him moving about in the room, the sound of the bathroom door breaking the silence twice but very soon she drifted off to sleep, unaware of when he left the house.

When she woke up again a few hours later, the sun was high in the sky and she could tell the difference as the room was flooded in light. The space beside her on the bed was empty, indicating that Jay hadn't yet returned.

Gathering her hair up in a loose bun, she got off the bed and made her way to the bathroom where as usual, she found the water heated and her clothes already hanging out of the closet. The place smelt like him, his scent still lingering in the steamy air, and a soft smile spread on her face.

Jason always took care of everything for her and even though she had told him multiple times that she was used to doing everything by herself, his concern made her heart melt. He always paid attention to even the slightest of things and made sure that she would never come to any harm, not on his watch.

And while she appreciated the sentiment, she also tried her level best to make sure that he felt the same feeling of being loved and cared for that he had kindled in her heart.

What she didn't know was that all those times he went away to take care of something that he never really mentioned, he was actually researching on the eye clinics that were present in the city and beyond, trying to find a way for Evelyn's eyesight to be regained.

He was no expert at medical terms and conditions but so far he knew that if she could differentiate between light and dark, there was still some percentage of vision left and maybe with proper treatment, it could be restored considerably.


Jason turned the key in the lock and stepped inside however he stopped upon hearing voices coming from inside the living room. He hadn't been expecting someone else other than him to come visit Evelyn so he was a bit curious as to who it could be.

Dropping the jacket at the hanger by the door he stepped forward, recognizing Tim's faint voice. And though he would have stepped into the room before, he paused not knowing if he should face the boy or not.

He recalled Eve had once told him that Tim used to come for piano lessons to her place and that's exactly what it seemed even then since the two were sitting in front of the piano. But the notes were no longer pouring out of the instrument as Eve had a rather concerned look on her face, attentively listening to Tim.

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