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Evelyn woke up sensing the light spreading into the room. She removed the protective caps from her eyes that the doctor had given her and cautiously sat up. It was morning and faint sunlight had washed through the room, making each feature of it visible to her.

But before looking around, she cautiously took the eyedrops and then waiting for a few minutes for her eyes to adjust, she finally looked at her room from the first time in years. Jason was sound asleep beside her, his messy hair falling over his forehead and his bluish green eyes obscured at the moment.

She sat still looking at every corner of her room closely. Jay had brought her back from the clinic the previous evening but due to the medicines she had been very sleepy so she hadn't really noticed much back then.

But now as it was morning and there was a fair amount of light spread in the room, she could see everything clearly and the smile that broke out on her face showed her pure joy at being able to see again.

Not wanting to wake Jason up who appeared so serene as he slept, she got off the bed, feet sliding into her slippers. Out of habit, her brain gave her the regular count of steps to the bathroom but the difference that morning was that she could also see the door in front of her.

Taking one last glance at Jay who was still asleep, she advanced towards the door keeping her steps slow and calculated. Switching the light on she pushed the door open coming straight in front of the mirror placed inside.

And though the mirror showed her own reflection, she froze in shock, staring at the beautiful woman in front of her. At first it seemed to her as if she was looking at her mother and she stepped inside to get a clearer look. But then she noticed the auburn hair and the light azure eyes which reminded her of her father.

Her hand reached up to touch her face and the reflection in the mirror did the same, making her realize that she was indeed looking at her own self. She was a perfect balance of both her parent's features and as she watched closely, she realized that she had grown up to be exactly like the two. Anyone who had met Lucas and Marie Nichols could tell that she was their daughter.


She was shaken out of her thoughts and turned to see Jason standing by the door frame, his eyes locked upon her. "Good morning," she smiled at him and he stepped forward, finger gently fitting under her chin as he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"So you've seen yourself," he remarked, "now who do you think is the beautiful one?"

She laughed slightly shaking her head, "oh come on... You flatter me."

"No really, Eve, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Most beautiful..."

His arms encircled her from the waist, pulling her closer against him as his head rested on the curve of her shoulder. She looked at the mirror, taking in the reflection of their entangled selves and a short laugh escaped her when his lips gently touched her neck trailing up to her jawline.

"Jason... How long are you going to spend like this?"

"An eternity if I could," he remarked, bluish green eyes dancing in adoration as she turned to face him, fingers delicately cupping his face while she connected her lips with his in a sweet lingering kiss.


Patrol that night had been a havoc for the Bat vigilantes. Tim as Red Robin had had to face the wrath of a ten year old assassin kid who had disobeyed rules again and snuck out, unleashing hell on someone he suspected to be involved with Deathstroke.

In the end, Batman himself had to come to Red Robin's rescue who was swearing that the gremlin had bit him and he would have to get himself checked for rabies. While the assassin kid on the other hand was in no mood to spare poor Red Robin until he was forcefully bundled up into the Batmobile and brought to Wayne Manor.

At the moment, they had all changed out of their suits but an argument was raging in the living room of Wayne Manor still. Damian, the assassin kid with deathly emerald eyes and a permanent frown on his face was staring daggers at Tim who looked entirely fed up with the whole ordeal.

But he silently listened as Bruce explained the current situation which had led to them taking Damian Al Ghul Wayne in for the time being. Apparently Deathstroke had been after the League Of Shadows and had murdered Ras Al Ghul. So Talia had left her and Bruce's son in his care while she battled against Deathstroke to keep her hold over the League.

After Bruce explained everything, Tim took in a deep breath, eyes flickering towards the rather aggressive looking ten year old who looked ready to kill right then. "So you're saying this... Thing... Is your son?"

The boy growled at him and Tim stepped back instinctively, blue eyes locking with Bruce's tired irises.

"Yes, Tim. This is Damian, my son. And Damian, this is Tim. Your brother."

"I don't have any brother, Mother told me that very clearly," the boy remarked, his sharp voice cutting through Tim who chose to ignore him for the time being.

"And he will be staying here? With us?"

"For the time being, yes," Bruce remarked vaguely though his tone was firm and decisive.

Tim sighed as if exhausted, taking one look at Damian who looked back at him hostilely, "how convenient..."

"It's not like I want to stay here," the boy snapped back, "I wish to go to my Mother and avenge my Grandfather's death as soon as I possibly can. I will not be staying here for any longer than it is necessary."

Richard was leaning against the kitchen counter, watching their interaction with a slightly worried look on his face that was mirrored exactly by Alfred even. Both of them could see that Tim and Damian were not going to get along well with one another.

Tim did not give any reply to Damian's statement, instead he was looking at Bruce as if silently asking him permission to leave.

Bruce nodded so he made his escape as quick as possible, disappearing into his room without a single backward glance. Damian huffed as if annoyed and then turned towards Bruce, "Father, I wish to speak to you in private."

"I'm afraid the boy is too hotheaded," Alfred mumbled after Bruce and Damian had left, "reminds me a lot of Master Jason in his early days..."

His voice had trailed off and Richard tilted his head to look at him, nodding slightly, "yeah. He fights like him too, aggressive and bloodthirsty."

And he would know very well exactly how bloodthirsty the kid could get for he had twenty new stitches or so from his first encounter with Damian.

"Like Bruce said, we'll have to put up with him for now," Richard remarked, "I just hope he adjusts here too. I somehow have a feeling I'll get along with the kid but the same can't be said for Tim."

"You get along fairly well with almost everyone, Master Richard," Alfred had a small smile on his face, "I believe you will get along well with Master Damian too. As for Master Timothy, it will take time but things will adjust."

He nodded, eyes shifting in a thoughtful expression, "I guess... Damian's not bad at heart. He just needs a little uplifting."

"Well now that he is here among his family I am sure we will be able to look after that very well."

Richard smiled back at him, "I hope so."


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