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The house was silent when Jason stepped in and that was rather unexpected for him. The lights were also turned off and there was nothing that could indicate that Evelyn was at home.

Worry settled in his heart as he proceeded further in, calling out softly, "Evelyn?"

He got no response and that increased his concern. Pushing open the bedroom door, he saw that the curtains were drawn shut, the lights were switched off and Evelyn was curled up in the blanket, almost as if she was asleep.

"Eve, are you okay?" He gently reached out towards her, sitting beside her on the bed.

She stirred slightly but gave no reply.

"Evelyn?" His hand gently cupped her face and it was then he realized that she was burning up in fever. Her skin was burning hot and she was slightly shivering, pulling the blanket closer to herself.

Seeing her like that, Jay stood up and fetched another blanket from the drawer under her bed, spreading it over her. Her eyes were shut from either fatigue or due to the fever burning her up. Edging closer to her, he had wrapped his arms around her bundled up frame as well, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Jason..." She softened into the familiar comforting embrace and her shivering lessened as the warmth from the two blankets wrapped around her engulfed her.

"I'm right here," he mumbled reassuringly, "what happened, you were alright when I left..."

"I don't know... I called Doctor Linda because I had gotten worried myself," her voice was low but he held onto every word, "this morning my eyes were very tired and I didn't even go to class because of this fever."

His brow furrowed in concern, "and what did Doctor Linda say?"

"She says it happens... I'm still adjusting and maybe I'm overexerting myself."

There was a while of silence between them after which Jason spoke, "you called the doctor but you didn't tell me?"

She knew he would say that and a weary sigh escaped her as she snuggled closer to him, "well I..."

"Evelyn, be honest."

Her eyes fluttered open at last, the azure striking even in the dim surroundings of the room, "Jay, you had gone back to your family after such a long time. I hadn't wanted to disturb you."

Jason didn't give her a reply just then but his fingers ran soothingly through her auburn hair, lips gently pressing onto her forehead.

"You're not mad at me, are you?"

"Of course not," he replied, "I'm just worried that even after all you've tried to make me understand, you still don't get how important you are to me."

"I know but..."

"Evelyn, I know I am terrible at expressing myself and maybe I don't say it to you often but the truth is that you are my world," his voice was gentle and full of admiration and love, making her heart melt, "if anything happened to you and I couldn't do anything to make it better, it would tear me apart."

"You already do so much," she mumbled, her fingers lingering gently on his hand that still cupped her face tenderly.

"Why do you think like that? You're the reason that makes me want to live, Eve. For years, I kept thinking the second chance I was given at life was nothing short of a curse. You're the one who made it turn around. Why would I not do anything for you?"

"I guess I'm just not used to it," her tone was slightly uncertain as she spoke, "it's not that I don't want you to care for me, I just... It feels unreal and I'm scared that everything would get snatched away from me."

He understood exactly how she felt deep down even though Eve thought that her words were a bit confusing and she hadn't stated it clearly. But he understood because he had been through a similar situation.

"Get used to me caring for you Eve because I'm not going anywhere," he replied and tilting her face towards him, he kissed her gently, "and tell me, have you eaten anything or have you been hungry since morning?"

"I was tired..."

"Eve, you are unbelievable," he stood up and though her hand had closed onto his wrist as if to stop him, he shook his head, "wait here, I'll just be back. I know exactly what would make you feel better."

"I hate soups," she remarked knowing what he was going to say.

"Too bad you don't have a choice."


"No excuses until you get better," he replied, "and I will make sure of that."

A soft smile took over her features as she watched him leave the room. Her eyes were tired even then so she pulled up the blankets and closed her eyes, darkness washing over her. Not long had passed when Jason returned, holding a bowl of soup.

The delicious aroma of it wafted through the air and though Eve had said she hated soups, she couldn't help but think that she was indeed hungry and the soup smelled delicious.

Jay had turned on a dim light that won't irritate her and sat down the bed, spreading a napkin first then placing the bowl on it. "Come on, I won't hear no for an answer and I will make you finish it all up myself."

A light laugh escaped her as she sat up, "what are you going to do?"

His eyes sparked slightly as he filled up the spoon with the thick liquid, holding it up near her mouth, "open up."

Tentatively she took a sip and the soup instantly made her feel warm as it was quite delicious and hot. 

"How is it?"

"Nice," she replied and he help up the spoon once again. After a few more mouthfuls of the delicious soup, she felt much better so she straightened, taking his hand and sitting up properly.

"See, I told you it would make you feel better."

"Thank you," she smiled fondly, "anyways, how did your reunion go?"

She was relieved to see that a smile had taken over his face as well which indicated that everything went well.

"You were right. They understood and we have resolved our differences."

"That's great."

Jason's smile widened recalling his meet up with Damian, "and I also met our youngest brother, the one who Tim calls gremlin."

"Oh, and how's Damian?"

"Terrifyingly a lot like my own self," he replied and she laughed.

"Oh come on, by the way Tim used to describe him I thought he would be scary. You're not scary at all."

"Ah not to you, but most people would like to differ." His eyes sparked in amusement as he resumed, "the kid's not bad though. Dick says Damian warmed up to me fastest as compared to the rest of them. Maybe because I offered him to take out his anger on me rather than the shrubbery."

She listened closely as he recounted the entire day he had spent with his family and she could easily observe the relief on his face. Evelyn was glad that he had finally taken the first step and rejoined his family. It was a big indicator that things were finally turning for the better.


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