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Bruce found out all about Jason's resurrection from Ras Al Ghul and knew that he had to put a stop to whatever Jason was planning. He had a clear idea that the boy would be burning up in revenge and whatever he had in store for them would only unleash chaos.

And despite Alfred's attempts of convincing him that it was not his fault, Bruce blamed himself for what Jason had become. His partner, his soldier but also his fault. 

On the other hand, Jason's plan to execute revenge on the Joker was not as straight as one would expect. He was using an indirect way to get to him by involving Black Mask.

Apparently Red Hood's feud was with Gotham's renowned crime lord Black Mask since he had hijacked all of his weaponry shipments and to put the final straw, the latest shipment had been all destroyed with all the henchmen involved killed.

Black Mask was outraged by that performance and basically that was what Jason needed; to drive him into enough frustration for him to get Joker out in order to tackle the Red Hood.

Everything was going according to the plan so far.

With his latest successful attempt to bombard the crime lord's office building, Black Mask had finally been driven to the point of using desperate measures and to seek the Joker's help.

The only thing that was not in his plan was his friend Evelyn Nichols. In the game of fire and bullets he was devising, Evelyn was someone who could suffer if Jason did not distance himself from her.

With every passing day that he had spent with her, the old memories had gradually resurfaced and his attachment to her had only increased. And that was why he was worried that perhaps the past was about to repeat and he would once again have to abandon her without telling her how he actually felt.

But the second he saw the live broadcast of the docks on TV, showing the Joker standing on top of a truck containing hostages, surrounded by the GCPD and SWAT teams, he knew the time had come for the final act of his plan.


He stopped for a brief instant, trying not to turn back and look at her for then it might be hard to leave. But the years of pain and trauma he had suffered due to the man who was currently laughing maniacally on the screen in front of him kicked in and he braced himself.

Her hands gently closed on to his arm, "where are you going?"

He turned to face her, cupping her face in his callous palm, mind still whirring with a thousand thoughts. He was once again going to leave her with little certainty of his own return but there was no backing off now.

"Jay?" Her features were reminiscent of confusion and slight concern, she somehow knew that he was going to put himself in danger.

Jason had realized that and in one split second he took his decision. He had regretted the last time, he wouldn't let it repeat.

"I love you, Eve," he breathed, "I love you and if I don't come back tonight... Just know that I had always loved you. That was what I wanted to tell you before but couldn't and now I'm not going to repeat that mistake."

Her wide eyes were sorrowful as her grip tightened slightly on his arm, "please don't put yourself in danger. Please... I lost you once I don't think I'll be able to face it again."

He bent down and kissed her just for a fleeting moment and then pulled apart, knowing that he had to leave right then, "I'm sorry but I have to go."

Pulling away from her with a heavy heart, he picked up his mask and helmet, concealing his face as he stepped out the door. While Evelyn was still standing there rooted to the spot, her fingers touching her lips right where he had kissed her not long ago, her heart terrified for she could sense the disaster about to strike.

"I love you too, Jason," she mumbled, her voice low and quivering with fear, "but please... Please don't vanish like you did last time."


The light shining down from the helicopters circling above illuminated the slender form of the Joker standing triumphantly over the hostage container. His blood red lips were turned up in a menacing grin, wide enough that it almost reached his ears.

The police teams were positioned all around him but were ordered not to make a move for the man was known for being unpredictable maniac and the lives of the hostages were at stake.

Jim Godson's eyes were narrowed into slits as he scrutinized the area but then his communicator rang, "Sir, there's another one here."

"Set the light on him so we can see him," Gordon ordered and the officer on the other line obliged.

He turned to see the other light from the GCPD helicopters shining over the intimidating figure of Red Hood who was standing on top of the bridge post.

Joker's attention deviated towards him as well and the menacing grin only widened, "hey you! Mister Hood... Or do you prefer Red?"

The helmet concealed Jay's face but his eyes had narrowed into slits, anger radiating off him though he appeared rather calm and composed.

"I'm sorry could you hold on a second? I was just in the middle of setting fire to your gang," Joker reverted his attention to the lighter in his hand, clicking it so that he could throw the flame down in the container where the hostages including Black Mask were already drenched in oil.

"Go ahead," Jay remarked nonchalantly, "you think I care if that scum dies?"

"No no," Joker looked up again, eyes glinting manically, "I just wanted your attention."

"You have always had my attention. What I really wanted was an audience today."

At those words, Joker halted, the smile wiped off his face for a brief instant, "I'm sorry. That seems to imply you organized this little plan."

"I did. Sure, I had lots of plans but the endgame was to get Black Mask so desperate that he cut a deal. He was the only one with connections to get into Arkham and get you out."

It took a while for the words to settle in but shortly after the smirk was back on Joker's chalky face, "so... I've been bamboozled. Oh my..."

"I wouldn't undersell it. It took a lot of effort to bring about our reunion," his voice was getting dangerously calm by every passing second, indicating that he had planned and waited for that moment for too long.

"Reunion?" Surprise flickered on Joker's features, "have we met before?"

"Yes... We have."

He extended his arms dramatically, the lighter positioned right above the vent opening into the container, "well, here's to warm memories."

The flame flickered as Joker pressed his thumb and released the lighter which fell inside, among the gasps and muffled screams of the hostages trapped in.

Smoke lifted from the vent indicating that the container was on fire but shortly after the Batcopter loomed into view and dropped a mass of foam inside the container, drenching the Joker as well and putting out the fire.

A rope with a hook fell from the Batcopter, catching up Joker and carrying him away. But as it passed over the bridge post Red Hood was standing on, Jason leapt and held on to the rope as well, cutting it off using his sharp dagger and both Joker and Red Hood fell into the water below.

Batman turned course the Batcopter gliding over the river to look for the two but there seemed no trace. It was almost as if Red Hood and Joker had vanished into thin air.

But then an unknown comm connected with his communicator and Red Hood's familiar robotic voice sounded, "I've got him. If you want him, meet me at Crime Alley."


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