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Evelyn's class at Gotham Institute had just ended and she was about to leave the studio when a student approached her and told her that there was someone waiting for her in the lounge. Surprised, she followed the girl to the waiting lounge who left soon afterwards. 

Eve made her way to the couches placed on the corner but she didn't have to walk further as she felt a hand clasp her own. A smile spread on her face recognizing the person immediately, "Jason?"

"I came to pick you up, I hope the class has ended by now."

"Yes, it just ended," she replied, her smile widening as he interlaced their fingers together, leading her out of the building and to his car that was parked not far off, "but you didn't have to. Stella had said she would drop me home on her way back."

"Let's just say I have to take you somewhere."

"Oh," surprise crossed her features at that remark, "and where exactly?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

She didn't ask further however began to tell him about her day as per usual routine until he stopped the car at last. His hand gently cupped her cheek and she leaned against the touch, wide eyes turned towards him but her irises were as usual devoid of any image.

"Eve, from the past few weeks I had been researching into your condition," he spoke up choosing his words carefully, "I visited all the eye clinics we have in this city and discussed it with them. There is a great chance that you would be able to see again."

Her lips parted in shock, "what?"

He brought her closer towards him and her hand closed on to his wrist but there was a very confused look on her face, almost as if she could not believe when she was hearing.

"I know it's a little overwhelming as of now," he resumed in a soft reassuring tone, "but I am going to be with you every step of the way. Today, they had asked me to bring you for a topography test in which they will examine your eyes and judge whether the operation can be performed on you or not. And if all goes well, very soon you will be able to see. Just like you used to before."

She seemed at a loss of words letting everything sink in. Then at last she spoke up, "but it's going to be very expensive. I can't..."

Jason leaned forward and captured her lips with his own, drowning the rest of her feeble protest against the idea. He felt slight wetness on her cheek and pulled apart to see a streak of tears run down her face so he gently wiped it away, holding her close as he kissed her again as tenderly as he could.

Evelyn was going through a range of emotions at the moment as her grip tightened on him and she kissed back, her eyes falling shut but the tears escaping nevertheless. No one had ever cared for her to that extent and to think that Jason had not let her know about it earlier but kept researching for her made her feel overwhelmed.

"Evelyn," he breathed as he broke off the moment at last, his fingers still caressing her cheek, "I love you. If I am not going to care for you, who else else will?"

"It will cost a lot..."

"Nothing is worth more than you," he stated in a decisive but loving tone and she flung her arms round his neck, resting her head against his shoulder. 

Jay wrapped his arms around her soothingly, still comforting her and reassuring her that everything was going to be okay and she did not have to worry about the test nor the expenses; he would take care of it.

"I lost you once Eve," he mumbled, "and I made the mistake of almost losing you once again. I have caused you so much pain and sorrow due to both those instances, so let me make it up for that even though what I am doing for you is not even a fraction of what you deserve."

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