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The bell rang and the gates of Gotham Academy parted, letting out swarms of students as they rushed to go to their homes. A line of vehicles was parked in front belonging to those who had come to pick the boys up, some had their own motorbikes or bicycles parked in the Academy's student parking lots.

Tim walked out slowly, thinking he would rather take the bus for Richard had to go to Bludhaven on short notice and he had asked Alfred not to bother about picking him up for he would make it back home himself.

However, as he was crossing the visitor's parking he heard a familiar voice and turned around in surprise.

"Where you off to, Babybird?"

Jason was leaning against his bike, the helmet placed over the fuel tank and his stormy eyes glinting in amusement.

A smile spread on Tim's face too as he approached him, "what are you doing here, Jay?"

"And here I thought you would be at least a little surprised to see me here."

"That I am," Tim chuckled, blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight, "hence the question."

"Came to pick you up," he replied vaguely, giving him the helmet.

Tim knew that Alfred couldn't have sent Jason to pick him up but he accepted the helmet and got on behind him who started the engine of his motorbike. Though he couldn't help but blurt out the remark that was right on the tip of his tongue, "I can't help but think as if I'm being abducted."

"Close," he laughed and pressed the accelerator, the bike speeding off into the distance.

They came to a halt in front of the eye clinic where Jay had taken Eve earlier and the surprise on Tim's features increased, "but to be honest, I didn't think anyone would use such a public place to hide away a hostage."

"Now look here kid," Jay got off the bike facing him and the amusement in his eyes was replaced by a serious look, "Eve has a surgery today and I brought you over because she asked."

"Oh... What surgery?"

Jason gestured him to step in and resumed with the conversation, "I had been researching on whether there could be a way to restore her vision. And thankfully, we do have a chance. Her surgery is scheduled for an hour later. And after that it will take about half an hour to get done with. So if you want to alert someone on where you are, you can do that."

"Right, I will just call Alfred."

"Tell him not to worry about you coming back. I'll drop you off later."

"Sure," he nodded though he was still a little shocked on Jay's change of attitude. But then Evelyn was concerned at the moment and as far as Tim had observed, Jason was a very different person around her. It was almost as if she made him want to be a better version of himself and even Tim knew how much he loved and cared for her.

"You have a phone, right?"

He looked up, "yeah, don't worry. I'm going to call Alfred, just give me a moment."

Jason waited for a while as Tim called Alfred and told him that he had gone with a friend to the hospital, he mentioned Evelyn too so that the older man won't be worried. 

Minutes later he came back to Jay, "he says it's fine. Now where's Evelyn?"

He led the boy to the upper floor where the surgical rooms were located. On one side was the operation theater and on the other were the recovery rooms where the patients were kept before and after surgery. It was a row of separate rooms and Jason halted at the third door, knocking it gently.

"Come in," Eve's voice came from inside so he pushed the door open and both of them stepped in.

Evelyn had been given a hospital gown to change into and she was currently sitting on the bed. It was evident that she was nervous but hearing the two of them step in, a smile spread on her face, "Tim, thank you so much for coming."

"You don't have to thank me, I'm glad to stay by you in such an important time of your life," he replied, gently taking her offered hand. Evelyn regarded him as a younger brother and his presence had made her relax a bit.

"I'm a teeny tiny bit scared," she added, laughing lightly, "even though the doctors say the procedure is going to be painless. But still... I've never been to an OT before. At least not that I remember of."

"We're both right here," Jason reassured her, "and nothing will go wrong, trust me."

Time passed much quickly than they had expected and shortly after, a nurse came to take Evelyn to the operation theater. Her auburn hair was braided and then fixed into the light green cap the nurse had given her and then she was helped out of the bed and onto the wheelchair.

Eve's usually rosy complexion was slightly pale because deep down she was getting scared of what was going to happen. Jason squeezed her hand in assurance and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, "everything will go well. And very soon you will be able to see again."

She merely nodded in reply and Tim also spoke up, "don't worry, Evelyn, you'll be fine. You have been so strong your entire life, you have to stay strong even now. And I'm certain you'll make through this."

"Thank you," she mumbled, managing a soft smile, "I'm glad I have you both here."

Jason and Tim went with her till the corridor and then the doors of the OT parted and they had to leave her there, standing outside in wait. The nurse pushed the wheelchair in and the doors closed.

Tim glanced up at Jay who had a small frown on his face as if pondering over something. Though when he gently patted his arm, Jay looked up instantly as if shaken out of a reverie but seeing it was just Tim, he let out the breath he was holding.

"You're worried, aren't you?" Tim asked carefully, blue eyes focused on him.

Jason kept silent for a short while then nodded, "I lost her once, then nearly lost her again. I don't want anything to go wrong now."

"Nothing will go wrong," he reassured him in a soft tone, "you made sure that this is the best option for her, I know you must have thought very thoroughly before selecting this clinic."

"I want to see her happy that's all," Jason replied, "and even though she never mentions it, I know she misses those days when she was able to see just like us. I want to be able to help her get her vision back."

"And that she will," he smiled slightly, patting his arm once again, "just like I said to Evelyn, you also have to be strong because you're going to be there for her and help her through this. Everything will be alright."

Jay's eyes flickered towards the clock that was ticking away the minutes slowly. It would take half an hour for the surgery to reach completion and then Evelyn would be taken back to the recovery room where she was going to spend the next six hours with her eyes closed by a white bandage.

And then would come the most crucial part, removing the bandage and seeing whether the surgery had been successful or not. The clock was ticking and there were still twenty minutes left for Eve to come out of the OT. And though Jason had managed to appear very calm and composed, deep down even he was nervous.

All he wished was for everything to go well so that Evelyn would regain her vision and be able to see just like she used to years ago.


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