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Hyunjin entered the brightly-lit classroom. The air was hot and stuffy. Sighing, he looked up at the broken AC and wondered if this crappy school would ever bother to fix it. The classroom was fairly empty; there were only a few kids talking in a group at the back of the classroom. They looked up as Hyunjin entered and he gave them a glare, hinting that they should leave.  They rushed out of the classroom, closing the door behind them.

Hyunjin sat a desk and looked up at the clock that was, surprisingly, not broken as well. Seungmin's class should've been over by now and he should be at Hyunjin's feet already.

After waiting for longer than necessary, the classroom door slammed open, hitting the wall behind it. Hyunjin's bored expression immediately morphed into a playful smirk as he watched his two friends drag in the person he'd been waiting for. They threw him on the floor in front of Hyunjin.

"Get up." He ordered.

"I don't have any money on me today." The boy mumbled, remaining on the floor. Hyunjin scoffed and dragged him up by his collar. He held Seungmin's face in between his index finger and thumb.

"What a pretty face," he said, tilting it left and right, "it would be a shame to ruin it. Oh well." He looked at Changbin and Minho, who immediately understood and proceeded to punch Seungmin. The boy was defenceless and unable to do much but endure.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin went and picked up Seungmin's bag and emptied it's contents onto a table. He looked through the pile until his hands fell on an unopened milk carton. Smiling deviously, he approached his victim, opening the carton. His friends moved out of the way. Fear flashed in Seungmin's eyes as he took a step back, hitting the wall.

As Hyunjin was about to pour the milk over Seungmin's fluffy brown hair, he felt a hand on his wrist. He turned his head and was met with a familiar face. His eyes were filled with anger... or was it disappointment? Hyunjin couldn't tell.

"Stop it." The grip on his wrist tightened.

"Let go, Jeongin."



Jeongin's bag was torn off of his shoulders and emptied onto the floor. He was kicked from behind and fell to the floor. His eyes teared up from the pain of his knees landing on the pens and pencils scattered across the floor.

"Don't worry, everyone," the bully sneered, "he should be used to cleaning up. It runs in his family." The group of students left laughing as Jeongin began to pick up his belongings, letting his tears fall silently.

As he picked up his books and papers, he suddenly winced in pain. He looked down at his finger to find a small paper cut.

"Are you okay?" His head shot up and he saw a boy, smiling kindly. He handed Jeongin a few of his books. Jeongin quickly wiped his tears and murmured a small 'thanks'. They boy helped Jeongin up and smiled widely.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin."

Ahhhh finally I published this!!!
Kinda short (literally had no idea where to end this chapter) but I promise the next one will be longer 😁

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