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There walked the young boy, under the pouring rain. The droplets bounced off the leaves, making the rough leaves glisten under the pure white shining light of the moon on that October night.

Jungkook sighed as he looked down at his wet boots, covered in mud from the clashing large droplets coming from the cloud-filled sky. It wasn't so cloudy that he would lose his way through the dark roads that seemed to be infinitely long the more steps he took.

He had no idea he was followed and monitored, though. The clattering of rain had silenced the footsteps behind him. Behind as far as a few feet.

Jungkook felt an uneasy feeling from his back. He rubbed it off thinking it was just him then he gasped as the mysterious steps became louder and faster into a sprint. Jungkook however, was frozen to the ground from shock.

And then, a friendly voice surprised him, "Hah! Did I scare you?" Taehyung laughed as he wrapped his slender arms around the former's shoulders.

The younger was hyperventilating and wanted to punch him from scaring him like that. He just cursed under his breath as he looked away in embarrassment as they continued walking down the alley at a slow pace. The road winded long as it seemed to lead nowhere but they kept giving each other stares like they're communicating through telepathy.

Jungkook saw a 24/7 open supermarket nearby and decided to get some instant noodles to eat while they chill for a bit longer. As the latter was crossing the road, he seemed to be in a rush since it was cold and he had left Taehyung with the umbrella he was holding previously.

What he didn't realize was that a car was speeding towards him at full speed, with no clear indication of stopping any time soon. He was stuck there, like a deer in the headlights.

He prematurely collapsed and...

He was semi-unconscious as he saw blood all over him. He was too weak to even move and he heard Taehyung's muffled reassurance that everything is going to be okay and he had called the ambulance.

Before he knew it, he was knocked out cold. His mind went to complete darkness as he felt himself falling. The fall started to slow down to a descent until his toes touched what felt like the ground but it was all just a completely dark and empty void.

"Hey~ Oh! It's you...", Jungkook was shocked at the voice. The voice was welcoming and charming. Very high pitched for a man but very low for a woman.

The voice came from all sorts of directions. "I've been expecting you! Come this way." The voice now had a sudden shift where it was more hoarse and rough. It sounds like...

Suddenly, a giant white snake appeared in his vision right in front of him. He was paralyzed in shock and the snake could only peer at his shaking body. It suddenly took a form of a man. He looks just like...

The creature took out his hand to shake Jungkook's. "Hello there. Nice to meet you, Jungkook. I've been expecting you but you seemed to be late by a few centuries," the man said. He was wearing a white suit with a black tie and top hat, sort of like a higher society individual and his aura was both intimidating and welcoming. As he said Jungkook's name, his voice became distorted and deep. Echoing like he was casting a spell on him.

Jungkook reached out to grab his hand and shook it. The man grinned the most creepily and devilishly possible. He had malicious plans for him but Jungkook was completely oblivious of that. "Who are you?" Jungkook asked.

The man laughed out loud, "Oh! Haha! Silly me! I forgot to even introduce myself properly! The name's Han-Jae, Jung Han-Jae. I am the king of this world you just got transported into. You see, this void right here is where a lot of unfortunate souls have come to visit me and have a deal with me. For a better life, better future, and better faces! You perhaps don't want any of these but don't fret! I will bring you back to your reality with just this simple deal. If you wish," Han-Jae said. He was convincing and Jungkook was hesitant but reluctant anyway.

"A-alright! We have a deal!" Jungkook accepted. Han-Jae's devilish grin came back, plastered on his face with his red beady eyes. "Oh! Wonderful! Yes, this is the best day of my entire existence within millions of years! But... on ONE condition which is that you won't remember anything about your friends or your family," Han-Jae explained.

"But, can't I at least have some form of memory of my friends and family? Like names an-", Han-Jae cut him off. "Yes, I can. But an extra request comes with an extra payment. If you are willing to sell your soul to me, then we may have a deal," Han-Jae continued.

Jungkook looked at his open hand, ready to close off the payment with one last handshake. He didn't know what to do. Is this Han-Jae guy, the devil?

He then suddenly brought their hands together and shook them in closing off the deal. Han-Jae's smile grew wider. "EXCELLENT! You may now leave this realm,"

Jungkook's vision suddenly became faded and unfocused. He felt heavy and dizzy. His hearing became muffled as he collapsed onto the ground.

The only thing he remembered before he was unconscious was Han-Jae's devilish smile, full of joy and demonic tension. His hoarse, deep voice said...

"See you soon..."

GLASS FLOWER: The Reflection of The Smeraldo [BTS AU FF]- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now