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Corbyn let out a sniff as he paced around the waiting room. There were blood stains all around his ripped jeans, white shoes along with his t-shirt.

"Why don't you go back home and get some rest?" Christina asked in a slight whisper as she grabbed her ex boyfriends arm. "Go change, go freshen up." Corbyn shook his head, declining the offer. The floor above them held London and the girls mother. "Corbs, you've been here all night. I'll stay here, okay? I'll call you if she wakes up."

"Christina, I said no!" Corbyn practically shouted at the girl making her close her mouth. A tear slipped out his eyes making the brunette girl shake her head. "Look at yourself Corbyn. You need rest-"

"I'm not leaving her," the boy cut Christina off. "You can go if you want but I'm not leaving until she's aloud to leave."

"Corbs," Christina sighed pulling him into a seat. "I hope you aren't blaming yourself for this. You did a really good job by listening and even having the chance of bringing her here."

"But Chris," he wipes his nose with his t-shirt. "Why aren't they telling us anything? They didn't tell us what she took or-or if they gave her stitches or if the cuts are okay- why aren't they telling us anything?"

"They're probably running tests," Christina reasoned with him. "Look he's coming over right now," Corbyns head practically snapped up as he watched the man dressed in scrubs walk over.

"Mercedes Adams?" Corbyn jumped out of his seat. "Are you immediate family?" He looked at Christina then back at Corbyn.

"A friend-" Christina started though Corbyn cut her off.

"I'm her husband, that's her sister," Corbyn lied knowing they wouldn't say another word to 'just friends.'

The doctor nodded looking down at his clipboard, "Mercedes Adams," he repeated, "she was given sutures. The cuts were quite deep and lots of blood was lost along with the exposure of muscle. Though that is now taken care of and would not stay as concerning. Though onto the opioids overdose. We did a drug screening and found an abnormal amount of opioids in her blood. All ranging from over the counter pain killers to prescribed medications. We checked her files and she was not suppose to be on any medication but her mother's medications were found in her blood. The sad thing about opioids is that they can depress normal functions such as breathing and heart rate until breathing and the heart eventually stop working, resulting in a death."

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