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It was the very next morning and the Adam house was very quiet. London was currently at school and Mercedes was home alone. Mercedes was in the living room, just laying on the couch dressed in her plaid pajama pants and an old navy blue long sleeve t-shirt. The girl didn't know how to feel about her cuts, every time she'd enter her room she'd have the strong sensation to mark herself and just sit in her bathroom and draw. Lucky for her, She didn't have work today.

Before she knew it there was a loud knock on the door making Mercedes jump in her skin. The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she went and opened her front door.

"Hey," Christina smiled as Ashley waved from beside her.

"What are- what are you guys doing here?" Mercedes asked standing in front of the door.

"Can we come inside?" Ashley asked looking behind her as a man walked by the house. "It's sketchy out here."

Mercedes nodded letting the girls as she locked the door after them. "We would've came before but we kind of didn't know where you lived. And corbyn wouldn't tell us so we had to work on it on our own," Christina explained.

Mercedes nodded leading them to the kitchen area, "would you like anything to drink?"

Christina shook her head, "water please," Ashley said. Mercedes took a water bottle out the fridge giving it to the girl. "Thank you."

"So why exactly are you guys here?" Mercedes asked leading them to the living room. That consisted of one couch and one small tv.

"Let's go shopping," Christina stated.

"No, I'm trying not to spread money right now," Mercedes stated.

"You think we're spending our own money? We took Corbyns card, he probably doesn't know and will get mad later but we have it," Ashley stated as she dug through her pockets holding up a titanium black card.

"Still no," Mercedes shook her head.

Christina scoffed, "go change. Everybody's waiting outside."

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