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Mercedes Adams was sitting on her small bed cuddled up to a pillow. "I'm sorry for being a bitch for so long," Mercedes wiped her teary eyes as her mom brushed the girls long blonde hair.

"Will you stop apologizing?" Lauren asked, parting the girls hair. "We're starting fresh now."

"Yeah I know, but we could've been-"

"That's the past Sadie," Lauren started braiding the girls hair. "That doesn't matter to me, we going to do so much better now and that's all we should be thinking about." Mercedes nodded, letting her mom braid her hair in silence. "All done," Lauren said taking a step back as Mercedes dramatically fell to her side on the bed, pulling the covers over herself.

"Can you hold me?" Mercedes asked quietly. "I just want someone to hold me."

"Of course," Lauren laid next to Mercedes on the small bed, pulling her daughter into her arms. "Why are you still thinking about him?"

"I'm not-"

"You haven't asked for a hug from anyone in twenty years Sadie. That man is exactly like the rest, just forget him. Some things aren't meant to be," Lauren told her daughter.

"But I thought-"

"You've seen this happen, baby. Not only to me but yourself. He might've been the right man it's just- it just wasn't a good time. I'm glad you escaped, being a rebound is the last thing anyone wants to be," Mercedes bottom lip quivered. 'a rebound?' She thought to herself.

"But mom, he promised me-" Lauren once again cut her daughter off.

"Stop making these promises with men you don't even know, I understand Elijah but why this guy? You never seen him in your life he just pops up and helps you out a little and you fall head over heels. Why? I don't understand Sadie."

Mercedes looked down, "it's a long story."

"And I have time," Lauren grabbed Mercedes chin making her looking into her eyes.

"Mom, I don't know how to tell you this," Mercedes eyes started to fill with tears as her breathing became shaky. "Because I don't want you to feel like you're going to lose me. As much as I want to go I'm not going to."

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂; 𝐂𝐌𝐁 Where stories live. Discover now