Chapter 1

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"She wore a thousand faces all to hide her own"

Knocking on the wooden surface Aphy was ready to face what lay behind the door. If her path demands for her to walk through hell, she'll walk as if she owns the place. Keeping her head held high she awaited her fate.

The chunk of wood creaked open behind stood a man who looked to be in his late 20s. He stood straight reaching nearly a foot over the girl. The man did a double take over the girl. Aphy was used to people staring all her life. She was indeed beautiful just like the Greek goddess she was named after. But she was beautiful in a way a forest fire was beautiful. Dangerous and unpredictable.

After what seems like eternity the man snapped out of his trance

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After what seems like eternity the man snapped out of his trance.
"Hello welcome to Bridgestreet House, My name is Evan and I am the one in charge of this place"
Aphy stood still eyeing the man and the place she'll be stuck in.
Sensing the girls hesitance he continued.
"It doesn't look like much but it is home, You must be Aphrodite Kokkinos"
With a subtle nod, Evan led the girl into the place.

As Aphy looked around the building it was clear the place was old and broken down. Almost holding onto its last straw. But it was better than outside. Better than the dangers that lurked the streets targeting Aphy.

As the girl looked around, Evan stood back silently observing the girl it was no lie that she was very pretty, he has never comes across her type of beauty. She was quite, Evan yearned to hear her voice just once. She was a quite person. But you never knew if she's dancing in a daydream or if she's carrying the weight of the world. He wanted to know all about this silent goddess that stood in front of him. He wanted to truly help her.
But noone really knew that she didn't need to be saved, she needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was.

People would look across the room and truly believe she is the most beautiful girl they have ever seen for as long as they breathe. She was a butterfly, pretty to see but hard to catch.
Aphy chose to seem oblivious to the stares coming from Evan but she was smart. She knew the effect she had on people. She was a natural born leader, she was the goddess of love, desire and beauty. She was smarter than the devil and a thousand times prettier.
"Let's introduce you to the gang, come on they are waiting in the dining room"

Aphy was led across the hallway in to the dining room. Sat around the table where the delinquents she would have to live with. Upon entering the room, the conversions died down the 5 pairs of eyes snapped towards her. Looks of bewilderment, jealousy, and joy filled the faces. A redhead girl stood up and walked towards her.
"Hi I am Willow. You are so pretty" said the girl her words were so rushed Aphy had trouble keeping up with what she said.
Willow stepped forward to embrace the quite girl however, Aphy flinched and hastily took stepped back. She looked shocked. She couldn't remember the last time someone hugged her, she couldn't let it happen, she couldn't get attached. Upon the sudden gesture of the girl; Evan became alarmed.
"Willow you don't just go around hugging people. Sit down and let the girl breathe will you" Evan stayed stepping infront of willow. The girl stood with the same smile and skipped back into her seat completely ignoring the pointed looks sent her way. Aphy silently admired her carefree attitude.

"OK, everyone listen up. We have a new arrival who will be staying with us. This is Aphrodite"
Aphy stood tall keeping her expression neutral void of any emotions just like she was trained all her life.
But deep within the cold exterior was a little girl begging someone to look at her and see the person she hid so well.
"Right Aphrodite this is Lola"
He pointed towards a blonde girl she wore a distasteful look directed to the quite girl. Anyone could tell she was rich if not by the expensive designer wear. It was no doubt she was pretty like one of those popular blonde girls.
"This is Andres" now directing towards the light skin boy. He was handsome, a fine line between muscly and skinny. His curly dark hair falling over his face. He wore a dazzling smile.
Aphy looked straight at the boy giving a slight head nod for acknowledgment.
"This is kato"
A dark blonde haired boy held out a hand. However Aphy discretely ignored the contact and again gave a head nod towards the boy. She knew he was a gentleman by the way he politely decided to ignore the obvious rejection with a smile looming his face.
"And lastly we have Finlay Beckett"
The boy ignored to acknowledge the quite girl. Aphy observed the boy he was definitely the most handsome. He had jet black hair and dark eyes staring straight ahead. He was playing with a toothpick between his lips. Wearing a leather jacket. Aphrodite internally smirked at the thought 'what is he a cliche bad boy'.

"Right Aphrodite why don't you take a seat and we can begin our daily sessions

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"Right Aphrodite why don't you take a seat and we can begin our daily sessions. We choose to do group sessions as it works well however I will call for individual sessions if I find it is needed"
Calculating eyes watch as the girl walks towards the empty seat of the table.
The soft mellow voice filled the room.
Evan held an expression of a shock once he heard the softness of the voice belonging to the goddess sat to him. Similar expression filled the delinquents faces.
"Oh well nice to meet you Aphy"
"Right does anyone have anything to share this week" Evan questioned the group
Silence was the response.
"Anything at all" He presses
"What about the new girl?" Lola questioned obviously curious of the Greek goddess sat next to her.

"Ok let start there, Aphy why don't you tell us why you are here" Evan questions
Aphy doesn't reply.
"About anything"
Still she doesn't reply her eyes staring out into nothing. She was absolutely quite. There was a reason. She was sorting through all the chaos in her head and the madness in her heart.
"At all" Evan pushes on
"Right I have no other choice but to read your file, I never start on this but you are proving a difficulty"
Evan retrieved the girls file. Sitting back onto the table. All the kids were leaning over to get a glimpse or hear anything about the beauty that was present in the room.
Once Evan opened the file, he held a look of confusion.
"Is this all" he questioned to himself
Evan's state erupted curiosity and questions between all the delinquents.
"It's like you don't exist as a person"
This statement started conversations in the table everyone was utterly confused and intrigued.
"You got caught for stealing. Thats a start. So why do u steal" Evan question looking straight towards the girl.
"You will have to contribute or I will be forced to take on some consequences"
Aphy had to talk she couldn't afford the consequences.
"I do a thing called what I want you should try it sometime" Aphy stated calmly

No one expected the quite girl to hold a little vixen. Little did they know who she really was. She's a tornado with pretty eyes and a heartbeat.
"Your file is absolutely empty and you suddenly get caught for stealing thousands worth of valuables. Why?" Evan questions genuinely curious.
"I have been asking myself the same question" Aphy muttered mostly to herself but was heard by everyone sat around the table.
She knew what she was doing. She had to talk but she didn't give anything away. She was a mysterious beauty. Some women fear the fire she simply became it.
"Your a tough nut to crack aren't you" Evan chuckles.
"I prefer the word human being but whatever floats your boat" Aphy said in the same tone.
Oh how everyone longed to see a smile or any expression on that pretty face.
"What is your story Aphrodite Kokkinos?"
"Some days I grow tired of life and long for the next great adventure"
Aphy gave an annoyed look towards Evan she wasn't getting out of this was she.
But she was Aphrodite, she was made to do anything and everything.

"Sometimes I want a quite life, other time's I want to go a little bit fucking Gatsby"

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