Chapter 6

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" And when her halo broke, she carved the two harves into horns"

It was now the next morning after wondering aimlessly around Aphy had never been more thankful to see the old house. Walking around the back of the house she began her climb to the window up the pipe. After her grunts of pain and effort she finally reached her window. Climbing into her room she came across a surprise. Inside her room sat Evan and all the delinquents. A look of disappointment crossed Evans features.
Aphy felt ashamed for a split second before turning back to the emotionless face. The delinquents observed the girl as she continued to walk across her room into the bathroom.

After finishing her business, she opened the door back into the room.
"Where have you been?" Evan questioned tiredly. Here we go again; Aphy was familiar with the look of defeat. She had been through lots of disappointment to people. However, it was different with Evan. She ultimately stopped the emotion. She couldn't get attached. She had to do something and emotions would always cloud the judgement.

"Out" she said sharply.
" What's going on with you Aphy? Where is that girl who was jumping around her room dancing?" Evan said sadly.
However nothing phased the girl.
"She's gone"

This time Andres spoke up.
" Don't you feel lonely living in your own little world? " he questioned.
"Don't you feel powerless living in other people's worlds" she bit back.

"We have rules in this house, which everyone has to follow" Evan now ordered in a strict tone.
"I was never good at following rules" she said with a smirk.
" Well then I guess you have to start" interjected Lola.

Turning towards Lola, Aphy had a sudden feel of anger. Walking towards her she leans into the blonde girl.
"I don't follow rules I make them" she states.
She leans further into her ear.
"And when necessary. I will break them" she whispered venomously.

A shiver ran down Lola. However she seemed calm. Taking a step back from the Greek Goddess.
" Your mad, completely bonkers, crazy, your completely off your head and your a fuckin psychopath!" She screamed towards the girl.

All the delinquents stood up from their sitting positions. Evan stood in front of Lola calming the steaming girl. However, she didn't compare to the goddess. Aphy was quite a silence filled the room.
She smiled. A menacing smile filled with wickedness. She wore the smile like a loaded gun. But that was far from how Aphy truly felt. She was broken but she had things to do. She needed to do this, she couldn't get attached. Part of her mystery was how she was calm in the storm and anxious in the quite.

The smile fuelled Lola's anger. Pushing Evan out the way she stalked towards Aphy.
"I am going to kill you" she sneered.
Aphy was trained, she was dangerous.
She slammed Lola into the wall alarming everyone in the room. She paid no attention.
Tilting her head she looked straight towards Lola.
" to die would be a great adventure"
Everyone went silent. They wanted to hear what the girl had to say.
" But I have got to live no matter how many skies have fallen"

Looks of confusion were shot around the room.
" For I got some motherfuckers to deal with"
Slamming Lola into the wall again she turned around. Dusting the imaginary dirt of her clothes she turned towards the bewildered Evan.

" I won't apologise, it was clearly not my fault. I will accept your heavy consequences, seeing as I won't get away with it" she spoke rather softly; emphasising the words ' heavy consequences' with her hands. She was scared of the looks Evan threw at her so she avoided all eye contact.

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