Chapter 3

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"Sorry I acted won't happen again"

Listen to the song: How to be a heartbreaker by Marina for the first bit of this chapter.

Aphy is forever that girl that gets really excited when the sky is in pretty colours. Dressed in her pyjamas. She woke up with the most breathtaking beautiful smile dazzling across her face.

Jamming to the song with her hair brush in one hand jumping around her room singing the lyrics at the top of her lungs

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Jamming to the song with her hair brush in one hand jumping around her room singing the lyrics at the top of her lungs. These times were very rare for Aphy. But she had a sudden burst of energy and joy for no odd reason. At these moments, she forgot about her worries she was wild, crazy and free. Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. Laughing to her self she continues to hop onto her bed jumping up and down. Opening up her hair, she shook it around in the air. She had that champagne smile, the kind that forgets about tomorrow and sings of only now and all the music that could be.

The sound of pure joyous giggles filled her room with her loud singing

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The sound of pure joyous giggles filled her room with her loud singing. She was absolutely happy she couldn't remember the last time she felt so alive. She loved it.

Standing outside her room were Evan and the other delinquents. The singing and giggles resounded from the young girl. All of them felt sudden adoration towards the girl. She looked adorable jumping around and singing. Never had they thought Aphy would be like this. They stood completely baffled with the wide smile on the girls face. The whole universe danced in her eyes today.

"She is cute" said Kato who looked deep in a trance with a soft smile displayed on his features.
"She is crazy" said Willow.
"She is beautiful" muttered Finley
That indeed she was. However, it was her chaos that made her utterly gorgeous. Their wasn't a single predictable thing about her.

Evan was smiling widely towards the childish girl. He loved this side of the girl. She was truly one of a kind. Just the right madness to make her interesting.

And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive. She was life itself wild and chaotic. A perfectly put together mess. She was made to be wild, wicked and free, to carve out her own crazy destiny, to find a place in this world where she can be the most authentic version of herself.

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