Chapter 8

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"Sometimes an angel, sometimes an hell raiser, always a strong women"

Standing in her bedroom Aphy geared herself up ready for her to leave. She had no gun so improvising she strapped knives inside her clothes hidden from view. A storm was coming but that's not what she felt. It was an adventure on the wind and it shivered down her spine.

Climbing out of her bedroom window she followed a familiar route down to the ground

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Climbing out of her bedroom window she followed a familiar route down to the ground. However, a torch light lit up her face. It was Finley. Aphy rolled her eyes arrogantly seriously she thought she needed to go.
"Where do you think your going?" He questioned with a smirk clearly getting on the nerves of the girl.
"What the fuck has it got to do with you!" She screeched.

Pushing past him she continued her walk down the front porch. He followed the girl grabbing her arm he pulled her back into his chest. Startled she immediately took a step back.
"What do you want?" She sighed clearly tired of the boys antics.
"I know what your up to" he stated leaning into the girls. However, the troublemaker remained still. With a bored expression.

"So tell me little wolf do you want to punish those who have wronged you?"
A deadly silence filled the air. However, Aphy held a sickening smirk.
"No I am going to fucking destroy them" she spat with venom. Aphy was dangerous.

There was always something so freeing about doing things wrong. And no not like having pasta for breakfast and cereal for dinner, or wearing hoodies over vintage dresses. For Aphy, rebellion was normal it was life after all she had rebel blood flowing within her.
"Good" Finley surprising commented looking at the girl with pride. She continues walking away from the old house.
"Aphy?" He questioned suddenly.
Aphy hummed in response silently asking him to continue.
"Don't take it all down trust me u don't want to" this sentence caused Aphy to whip her head around however Finley was already entering the house by the time the girl came up with a response.
How on earth did he know she thought, however the blatant warning was ignored. What Aphy wants is always exactly what she gets. And she gets it for herself.

Walking down the familiar path she memorised for days it was already nightfall by the time she arrived at the pier. The wind was sharp slicing the girl with the bitter cold. She made herself comfortable behind a big container waiting for the shipment to arrive

It was now several hours in the middle of the night. It was pitch black however lights from the pier were visible. Almost instantly sounds of cars filled the area. Aphy spun around her surrounding witnessing several cars parked at the pier. Men were flooding out with guns in hands. She surveyed the scene before her with a feeling of bliss. Finally, she was going to have some fun in this godforsaken planet.

Just in time the sound of a container being lifted reached the girls ear. It was here, the supplies. Men were surrounding the metal box protecting their jewel inside. Aphy began. Climbing up to the crane she began her work with the movement of the container. Gasps and shouts from the men in the gang were loud however that just fuelled Aphy to keep going she lowered the crane further kilometres away near an broken down warehouse she had the honours of inspecting.

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