Chapter 5

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"There is no force more powerful than a women determined to rise"

Aphy found herself on her bedroom floor just as she was released from the hospital. It was in the middle of the night. Her legs crossed she was ready. She was the epitome of danger and destruction. She wanted to kill. After all, Aphrodite does what she wants. She was raised as a lady who doesn't take shit from anyone. A sickening smirk pulled up at her lips at the thought. Oh how she was going to enjoy this.

There's always a glimmer in those who have been through the dark. She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her. She survived only because the fire inside her burned brighter than the fire around her.

Fuck feelings. She's going to be the bitch she was born to be.
They can calm her chaos but never silence the storm which raged within.

Standing up from her position she was ready for this revenge.

Standing up from her position she was ready for this revenge

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Looking at herself in the mirror. She held her head up higher. And evil laugh escaped her lips. She will enjoy this more than she thought. She is going to fucking destroy that son of a bitch.

Jumping out from her bedroom window she landed harshly onto the ground below. Her wound was still fresh but nothing could stop her now. She was fire, enough to light the way and burn anything attempting to stop her.

Walking through the dark of night. Aphy was determined, she thirsted for revenge. Following a familiar path she found herself back to wear she was ripped away from her soul. Wandering aimlessly around the area she recalled the looks of the man. It was hard visualising her predators face both mentally but also physically the darkness didn't let her see his full features. But she knew if she saw him she would instantly know.

He was a well-built man. Both his hair and eyes were a dark brown colour. His smirk was like the devil; harsh and unmerciful. Aphy came across a dark alleyway. She hid herself behind a trash can listening into the hushed conversations.
"Tell me where the money is, or I swear to god I will first kill your wife, then your kid and let you watch. I'll let you stay alive though bathing in all your guilt" the shadowed figure said. His voice was dark and deep.
"Please sir, give me more time I beg of you" the elderly man spoke with a wavering tone.
"That's it, your fucking dead" the figure replied.
Standing up to his full height he reached well over 6 foot. Picking up the gun that lay beside him he pointed the gun straight towards the elderly man pulling the trigger.

A loud bang coursed through the alleyway. Aphy stands back watching the dead body fall to the ground with a thud. She didn't feel an ounce of remorse. A wicked smile lifted the edges of her lips.
Just then a black BMW drove past the hidden girl into the alleyway. Coming to a halt, a well-built man stepped out of the vehicle. He was well-groomed with a suit. He looked like a businessman.

"I've taken care of the mole boss" the figure spoke to man as he walked away from the car.
Aphy's eyebrows were furrowed. She couldn't see as the dark alleyway restricted her view.

"Good lets get out of here"
The dark voice filled the girl up with fire. It was him. The man who stole her soul. Her rapist. A sudden adrenaline rush pushed the girl before she knew it she opened the trunk of the car and huddled herself within before shutting the door. Trapping herself in the back of the car. Aphy's heart was racing at a unknown speed, however it was not fear she was feeling rather the burst of joy. A cruel feeling.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and the seating of two figures she ducked down tucking her knees towards her chest. Here she could hear the voices clearly.
"Boss, I have news from John"
"Yes what's that fucker doing now"
"The new shipment of the drugs and weapons will be arriving in a week from today at 1:00am" he replies
"Finally, this will be a game changer be sure to arrive there on time"
"Yes I will be there Boss. The guys will also be their on the port for protection"
"Good man" the cruel rapist said with an evil chuckle.
Meanwhile, at the back of the car; Aphy was listening in to the conversation. It was a gang. He was a gang leader. It all suddenly made sense. For no commoner would be carrying around a gun like that.

She had a sinister plan.
She wasn't going to kill that son of a bitch anymore.
No she is up to much worst.
She's going to take his gang and bury it five feet under.
Starting with the destruction of their shipment.

Starting with the destruction of their shipment

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She was a devil craving chaos.
The fire in her eyes brought out a whole new person.
She wasn't born herself, no she found herself over a long and treacherous road and the more treacherous the road became the more of herself she found.
A fucking psychopath.

Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen.
God save anyone who messed with this queen.

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