Chapter 4

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"Fuck feelings, Be a Bitch"

They say you can't turn a bad girl good, but once a good girl turns bad, she is gone forever. Aphy walked though the dark night. Her teeth chattered in the cold. Her clothes were ripped and ragged no longer acting as a barrier from the harsh winds in the cruel world before her.
She was in pain, however her physical pain was overlooked by the pain she had from her thoughts and in her heart.

She was in pain, however her physical pain was overlooked by the pain she had from her thoughts and in her heart

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Moon dust in her lungs, starts in her eyes, she was the child of cosmos, a ruler of the skies. Walking through the street, she looked ahead with her head held high. The eyes that were once filled with the universe now held a looking of emptiness. Finally, the old house came into view.

She didn't have the energy to climb into her window. Walking up to the front door she barely manages to knock on the wooden surface. Opening the door, Lola stood in front of her. She was ready to talk but instantly her breath hitched as she looked over Aphy. Her hair was dishevelled and clothes were ripped. A wide cut was present across her stomach with blood pooling out. Even with her messy look she was beautiful.
"Oh my God" breathed out Lola.
Stepping towards the girl she held her hand out towards her. However Aphy was no longer herself. Walking past the speechless blonde bombshell she waddled up the stairs and slammed her door shut.

Lola was completely horrified for the girl. Questions loomed her mind. Walking straight up to Aphy's room she reached out to the handle to open up the door. However she could not open the door. Sudden panic filled her body. And the worst scenario flashed across her mind.
"Evan!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Her body was filled with lots of horror.

Lots of footsteps grew closed to the scared girl. Her tears were flowing down her face. All the kids stood around her with alarmed expressions. After what seemed like eternity Evan came jogging past the delinquents reaching Lola. He held onto her shoulders.
"What happened?" He questioned rapidly. His eyes scanned the terrified face. Never in the 3 years Lola lived in the house did she cry or look so horrified. But the girl was in a shock. Only one word left her wobbling lips.

"Aphy" she said with horror.
Evan was quick to Aphy's room. He was met with the same unmoving door.
"Boys! Help we need to get this open" Evan yelled with urgency.
Almost instantly Finley, Andres and Kato ran up to her door bashing it open one by one. After a couple of hits the door opened.

What lay inside ran a shiver through each of their bodies. There inside the bedroom. Layed Aphy on her bed. Her eyes were glazed over looking towards the ceiling. A deadly cut across her stomach untouched, spilling a dangerous amount of blood.
"Call the ambulance" screamed Evan.
Willow ran downstairs to call the emergency services.
Lifting the unresponsive girl up in his arms, bridal style, Evan jogged down the stairs to the front of the house where the ambulance had arrived.

Everyone rushed into the hospital. Aphy was taken in to surgery. Evan and the other delinquents quietly waited for any news about the troublemaker.
"What happened?" Evan now questioned looking towards Lola.
It was clear that Lola had warmed up to the new arrival.
"She looked different. I knew something horrible had happened. But she just walked right past me. I could tell that she was in pain; but her eyes looked empty. She looked exhausted. She looked dead" Lola said to Evan slowly.
It took a while for everyone to digest the new information from Lola. Just as Evan was going to talk; the doctors had walked towards the group.
"Aphrodite had stitches done to her wound. It appears the knife had left an awfully deep cut. If you guys were any later I am afraid she wouldn't have made it".
Evan let out a sigh of relief.
"However, as we were going through surgery we have come across some bruises. Newly fresh bruises. Me and my team were skeptical so we took some tests. Given her state and the bruises. We believe she was raped".

Pin-drop silence was heard as the doctor walked away. No one could believe it. Sitting in the awful silence, the group no longer had the heart to say anything.

The saddest kind of sad is when your tears can't even drop and you feel nothing. It's like the world has just ended. You don't cry. You don't hear. You don't see. You just stay there. And for a second. The heart dies. Aphy lay on the hospital bed. Absolutely still. She was strong but so exhausted.

Walking into the room Evan and the others moved to stand around her bed. They observed the girl cautiously. She looked broken. She was a ticking bomb ready to explode at the horrid world.
"Aphy" Evan spoke softly towards the little girl.
Moving closer he sat at the chair nearest to the girl.
"How are you feeling?" He questions

After the storm came the silence, the loneliness, and all of a sudden. They missed her thunder. She had a flashback. Her parents.

"Remember, you are Aphrodite Kokkinos, you are strong and independent. You are a leader. Make everyone bow down before you. You are a born queen".

And she remembers who she is. She discovers that she is fierce and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burns brighter than her fears.

Sitting there on the hospital bed. She craved for blood and revenge. She wanted to kill. She was a runaway; rebel blood in her veins; a renegade. Never to be tamed.
Since that day, she decided to hide her feelings, to become heartless and mean with everyone.

You want a fight.
She'll bring you a war.

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