Chapter 13

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"We drink the poison our mind pours for us and wonder why we feel so sick"

Training was finally over for Aphy. She couldn't wait to lay in bed and listen to some music. Taking the longer way home she found herself in the park strolling slowly along the paths. The soft green and the scent of lilies filled her sense, immediately filling her up with a sense of comfort and peace. Her eyes followed the path finding them on a familiar person sitting on the bench. A smile immediately lit across the girls face. The only person she didn't mind being herself.
"Boo" she creeps up in the boy. Unfortunately unable to catch him unexpectedly as a bored look loomed him however his eyes were filled with amusement of the girl's childish nature.
Sitting with a humph she pouted annoyed.

"I don't want to live this life" she breathed with a sigh.
"Well I'm glad you are or we wouldn't have met" he smiled cheekily.
"Don't you think I'm not made for this" she said in a daze.
"Aphy baby you are meant for this trust me; if it would be anyone it would definitely be you" he replied calmly.
"I didn't choose this life" she continued staring at the lilies ahead of her.
He grabbed her chin turning her head so she was facing him. Bending down slightly he came at eye-level to the girl.
"Hey no one chooses there life but trust me we're all meant to be this way it is all for a reason one day you will figure it out" he spoke quietly.

Aphy walked into her house.
It was dead quiet .
Walking into the bedroom a shocking scene played in front of her eyes. Her mum was pushed onto the floor. A man hovering over her with a gun pointed straight at her head. The women who sadly gave birth to Aphy.

She pushed the man straddling him; she applied pressure strangling the life out of him.
His eyes wide with panic pleading her to stop but Aphy felt alive she was wicked. She felt fulfilled seeing him in pain. Those minutes seeing the life dissipate out of the stranger she felt a buzz. A feeling of rebellious. Those minutes were the longest minutes of her life. Though she felt no remorse observing with the tilt of her head his lifeless body slumping to the ground. Crawling from him Aphy stood in front of her mum.
She just killed someone. The first.
"U better be happy I saved your fuckin life" the  venom slipped out of her mouth.
Walking out she spared the women who gave birth to her no glance.

Walking down the slippery road with the rain pouring down.
She lifted her head up to the sky, a sob broke out of her. She stood crying silently pleading for a normal family. A loving family.
Aphy came across a homeless old lady. She was tucked away in the rugged blanket; doing not a good job at protecting the women from the chilling cold. Staring at her in a daze she realised how lucky she actually was. How fortunate she was. At least she didn't have to live on the street. Walking up to the lady she sat down on the cold pavement in front of her.
"Hello child" greeted the lady politely.
Staring closer at the lady she saw the deformity on her face. She had no eye with a scar running along her eyebrow.
"Hello" she mumbled weakly.
"Darling you are absolutely beautiful" the women spoke with a warming smile.
Aphy breathed in deeply in tiredness. The tire of the heavy world laying on her small shoulders.
"Oh how lucky you are sweetheart" the lady exclaimed.
"I don't feel lucky" Aphy replied with a pout.
"Poppet you have lots to live for just you wait one day you'd be wishing for more time" the lady spoke confidently like she knew from experience.
"Here give me you palm" she continued enthusiastically.
Holding out her small hand the lady grabbed it in hers. The feeling of the cold of her hands alarmed Aphy.
Wondering her fingers across the girls open palm the lady gasped in surprise the small sound making the girl stare at her in question.
"Your special my girl"
"You have a long life filled with mystery and darkness"
'Great is she one of those fortune tellers''Aphy thought, sighing tiredly on the verge of doing something reckless.
"But you have joy and happiness because of a certain someone"
This statement baffled the girl.
"You won't be alone, people would surround you,
Your made for great things child so just keep going"
The slight motivation in her words reassured Aphy.
Getting up from her position she grabbed the lady some food and water. With a new blanket, she wrapped it around the old lady's shoulders. With a polite smile she turned around continuing on her journey to nowhere.

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