Chapter One

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"So what'll be?" Shigaraki asked cheeky with a plastered on smirk. "Icarus stand back" Hawks held the curious child glaring at the family he thought he trusted. "How long has this been going on?" Dabi asked genuinely hurt. "Ever since I was first caught. Damsel in destress if you will" Overhaul smirked lightly.

"Y-you fell for t-this?" Hawks shook his head. "You must really be sick, killing your family, then marrying a man who held a child captive." Dabi rose his hand blue flames burning little embers that flew high. "To think I trusted you the most, to think that you were my friend, ny family." He held onto Shigaraki's wrist letting it burn against the cracking skin.

"I'd be cautious friend" Shigaraki twisted his wrist in the burning embrace so he fingers lightly touched the others skin. "Anger me and you might lose a hand." Warned the blue haired villian.

"Sad story" Exclaimed Overhaul rolling his eyes. "Can you let go of him. You don't want to see him at his worst." Kai spoke with a warning. "I'll take my chances Chisaki, after all you never were good at repairing faster than destroying." Dabi grinned his hold tighter on Tomura's wrist. "Tell me Touya, don't you know you're messing with a criminal that's committed many murders, what's one more?" He pawed grubbily at the stitched boy's wrist.

"It's Dabi now" he twisted the villians arm back hearing a snap. "Endure the pain I went through as a child. Watching as my father used my brother's as mindless soldiers. Losing the family I was born to as each day past. Just to be betrayed by you" Dabi rose his leg swinging it upward cutting Shigaraki's jaw. Tomura spit out blood "you always did play dirty like that explosive boy. Always advancing it was a sight to see. Never stopping until you won. The determination was the strongest I'd seen in awhile. I applaud you for that. Except you were never a great multitasker." Shigaraki placed his open hand lightly over Dabi's. "Farewell Touya." Tomura placed one finger after another on the pale boy's hand. "Let him go!" Shouted a small voice before blood red feathers charged at the pasty cracking villian.

"A child with your quirk Keigo. Fascinating really." Shigaraki shoved his former friend away dodging the feathers. "There's more where those came from." Keigo screwed his eyes shut feeling a cold draft before he opened his eyes again.

"Y-your wings?" Dabi's mouth fell agape. "Give up now or you'll have plenty of feathers to dodge." The taller male's feathers ruffled ready to take flight and target their prey. "A game, why I love games" Shigaraki smiled as the feathers peirced through his clothes  sending him crashing to the already crumbling wall. "Well played except you forget I may be pinned down but-" Hawks smirked his and Icarus' red feathers hoisting him into the air. "You can't disintegrate what you can't touch." He smiled at the villian who wreathed in the air.

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