Chapter Four

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Kirishima rubbed his best friend's back soothingly as the other hiccuped and let out shrill cries. "It hurts" Kaminari sobbed clinging to himself.

"What does?" Kirishima asked facing him backing up to give him space. "A lot of things. But knowing that the person I like will never like me back really hurts." Kaminari hung his head low throwing up petals again. "Kami, these are cherry blossom petals?" Kirishima plucked one out the delicate petal patterned with polka dotted velvet splatter.

"Y-yeah" his cheeks dusted a rose color. "Does Jirou like them?" Kirishima asked examining the petal in his palm. "N-no" he replied looking down once more. "W-wait?" Kirishima swiveled his head towards the lemon color haired boy. "Is it Todoroki you know how much of a cultured person he is. He loves collecting cherry blossoms for Tamaki." Kirishima smiled "no, not him" Denki shrunk down in fear as Kirishima nodded "could it be," he trailed off looking around. His eyes widened "you like" he laughed Kaminari stood up the bucket crashed to the floor. "This is stupid" Kaminari sobbed walking away hanging his head in shame.

"Kami wait- please, we can talk about what's bothering you." The hardening quirked boy grabbed his friend's wrist. "Please" he frowned. Denki let out a shuttered breath "I like a boy who isn't afraid to stand up for himself. He has fire hair and lava eyes. A heart of gold and would do anything for his friends." Denki turned pink before giggling nervously. "Wait- me. You-you like me? That's why you started blooming cherry blossoms." Denki nodded "y-yeah"

Kirishima bit his lip "but I have Bakugou. We've been friends ever since I developed depression in the first year at AU. He stuck by me even when he hated me most." Kaminari nodded "I get that. It was stupid to confess that to you." Confessed the electric blond who wiggled out of Kirishima's grip.

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