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YOU DIDN'T HAVE AN umbrella with you. walking towards the waiting shed you could make up from afar, you felt the drizzles becoming into bigger droplets of rain, soon intensifying. you groaned for the nth time now as you just wished you hadn't had agreed to come to that blind date at all. if i was at home right now, i'd be all cozy and watching some anime, or even ordering some pizza while the tv plays some netflix film. but, if i didn't, i wouldn't have met that fucking handsome man, eren jaeger.

the dress that you were wearing was starting to get drenched in the rain as you hoped for it to stop very, very soon. you disliked the rain whenever you weren't inside your apartment since you always thought that bringing a small umbrella with you, when you went out, was too much of a hassle. hugging your bag close to your chest, making sure it would be the least to get wet, you tried to fast-walk towards the waiting shed which was still far away from where you currently were. damn it, why can't they put multiple sheds? ugh. your feet were starting to hurt since you've been wearing your stilettos the whole day, not to mention, you've made more than a thousand steps today, walking around and doing errands.

as if it couldn't get any worst, the rain began to pour much heavier than how it was minutes ago. as your eyes wandered around your surroundings, it caught sight of a few couples sharing an umbrella as they linked arms and laughed about. annoying assholes. is the world trying to remind me everywhere i go that i am single? you huffed and continued fast-walking to your desired destination as it got bigger and bigger in your vision, meaning you were getting a lot closer.

when you got there, you couldn't be any happier as you immediately sat down on the few chairs under the shed. removing your already damp heels, you placed them neatly and arranged by the side of your chair as you waited for any buses or public vehicles to pass by that could take you home. the rain was heavier now, seeing as the only thing your vision caught were whitish lines of rain as they splashed about on the ground. it was honestly getting late, but that was the least of your concerns ー not when your clothes were really wet and drenched with the cold rainwater as it stuck closer to your skin, making you shiver as the cold wind danced around you.

you patiently sat there, waiting for any vehicle to pass by. you felt like you've waited for hours now, when in fact, it was only 5 minutes. the busy lanes were now empty, only a few cars passed by here and there.

checking the time on your phone, it was now 21:03 and you still weren't home. you still had work the next day, too. arriving late to work, especially when you've always observed punctuality, was hella stressful.

you stood up from your seat as you walked towards the end of the shed, e/c hues searching for a public vehicle. seeing one, you smiled ear to ear like a cheshire cat as you immediately went back to the chairs lined up and wore your stilettos and grabbed your bag. you stood there at the end, waiting for the bus you saw seconds ago, to stop by the waiting shed and allow passengers to hop in.

𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞. eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now