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YOU BLINKED YOUR EYES a few times as you tried to register everything that eren had just said

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YOU BLINKED YOUR EYES a few times as you tried to register everything that eren had just said. "ooh, nice. i bet she feels the same way," you replied, trying to act as cool and as composed as possible.

"yeah, i guess she does," eren said, rolling his eyes in a jokingly manner as kiana seemed to just focused on her chicken than this conversation you two had shared. "c'mon, y/n. stop acting clueless," you heard him say as the smile on his face never seemed to falter, and it wouldn't for the next few hours into the night.

you widened your eyes as you were utterly speechless, not a single word could roll off from your tongue as you just sat there, stunned. this scene is like cut straight out of a fairytale. you were still at a loss of words after eren's sudden confession, your mind going back to all those times whenever he'd hint about his feelings towards you. were you just this anxious to not notice?

his last hint was when he said he was home. indeed, he was home ー they were home. you've strengthened their bond as father and daughter all the while enlightening their lives as you walked through with such energy and optimism; your sense of humor never being forgotten. yes, it was mutual, and finally one of you had spoke up about it.

"i- this isn't a joke is it?" you wished for a clarification first before allowing your heart to do multiple cartwheels and somersaults inside your chest as this all too familiar emotion has once again surfaced and bloomed.

"do you really think i would be that type of person to joke about such stuff?" he asked you in return, "i'm not like horseface, y/n."

"chill," you told him, finishing the last piece of chicken fillet and rice on your plate as you said so; feeling all the butterflies dance around inside your stomach as they went wild, and your cheeks now covered in reddish pink. "i know you wouldn't. it's just surprising that it's me," you admitted, thinking about all your insecurities and all the other girls that could compare to you and were absolutely more fit to be with eren. how?

"you certainly don't see yourself that well," eren pointed out as he stood up from his chair, gathering the empty food boxes to throw them into a nearby trash can.

"of course, i don-"

"mommy, your phone is ringing," the little girl informed you as she brought your phone to hand it out to you. it was hange zoe.

"hey, bb," you greeted her.

"finally, y/n!" she screamed through the phone, hurting your ears, "eren's going to confess to you tonight. he just told me a few hours ago and i swear to god, i remembered about it just now, so i wasn't able to inform you beforehand. i'm so sorry, but you could actually call me if you need help with choosing a dress or like come to my place this instant and i'd be willing to help you. because one, you need to look good as fuck. i absolutely would not allow you to look like shit in front of him while he confesses his feelings for you. second, this is good stuff, y/n! eren takes his relationships seriously and i know you do too, so never miss this chance. don't treat this as something minor or what. i swear to the heavens above," she paused, catching her breath as she said all those in one breathing, "asdfghjkl, make sure to dre-"

you only bursted into a fit of laughter at her paranoid state. surely, she was outdated. "oh hange," you commented in between laughs, clutching your stomach as you did so.

"what? he's going to be outside your apartment any minute now," she argued, "do you want to look like absolute trash when he arrives?"

wiping away your fake tears, you attempted to stop laughing as you wished to clear the evident confusion surrounding your brunette of a best friend. "you're clearly outdated, hange," you told her, "he's done that already," you added whilst glancing at the german who was hugging and tickling his daughter as their laughs and soft giggles resonated throughout the whole apartment, a smile had crept up your lips.

you heard her gasp from the other end of the line. "oh my fucking god!" she exclaimed, "so? what you say?" she added, curiosity lacing her tone of voice as the once high-pitched voice became soft toned. she really just wanted to know.

you smiled as your eyes never left the two spending a good father-daughter time on the couch of your living room. "hm, guess," you simply told her.

hange squealed as you heard shifting from her end as she jumped up and about inside her room, celebrating for successfully matching two people up. yes, i am a matchmaker, she thought to herself.

"does it mean what i think it means?" she asked you as her eyes shone in excitement while she laid on her soft bed, waiting for your response.

"oh god," you dramatically sighed, "should i really reiterate everything, but now in-depth?" you asked, a small laugh escaping your lips.


"i hope you understood that well," zeke said through the phone as yelena only hummed in response, soon hanging up.

to be completely honest, she hasn't fully grasped yet zeke's motive, considering that he had just decided to put someone so innocent, someone who had done nothing wrong in such danger; in such misery. she gripped her phone tightly as she plopped down on her chair, eyeing the document shown on her laptop screen. however, her mind was clearly somewhere else.

zeke jaeger.

a name that had belonged to someone so attractive, but how come his personality was the opposite of that? she couldn't understand why you had put up with him for a little longer than a year when all his previous girlfriends would only last a month the most. maybe he did love you, but why did he treat you in such a way? yelena only allowed herself to drown in her sea of thoughts as guilt and confusion surrounded her. first, she felt guilty for she was the reason zeke had been cheating on you, and how you both became engaged in such a toxic relationship from a very healthy one. second, she couldn't find the reason why to all of this. for zeke to do such a thing was beyond irrational, it was inhumane ー and that is even an understatement, speaking from yelena's perspective.

the blonde woman wished to just back out in her alliance with zeke, thinking of other ways to get enough money to pay her mother's hospital bills since her condition was critical. she wished she hadn't allowed him to manipulate her this time, all the while regretting for deciding so rashly; not even weighing both outcomes properly.

to back out now was nowhere of the good options, seeing as zeke would never let her go, especially now that they're a step closer to the finish line of the blonde male's plan. plus, she was really desperate to get the money zeke had mentioned to her that night he discussed to her his plan. the mention of money and her current situation right now was the reason why she had immediately agreed that time.

checking the time on her phone, it read 19:28. she sighed as she allowed her fingers to tap away on the keyboard of her laptop, slightly glancing at her phone that just lit up as a notification could be seen.

retrieving her hand from typing the document, she reached for the device as it was a message from no other than zeke jaeger. sliding it to the right, it opened and led her to messages.

reading through each word in horror, the blonde woman just sat there utterly speechless of what was sent to her. she could never believe that she had agreed to all this. was she that desperate? yes. but was there any other way? yes. somehow, i just didn't take it. but, what have i expected? zeke is zeke after all a man who always has something up his sleeve.

"make sure to get rid of her and all ties were to break." she softly reiterated the text the blonde male had just sent her.

and that message was the only thing that kept running in her mind, shutting her laptop as she couldn't even get herself to finish the document she was working on.


hope y'all enjoyed this chapter 🤧
imma update sooooooooooon

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