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THE FIRST FEW MONTHS were really smooth sailing. you were spoiled with all kinds of gifts zeke could ever think of, even if you were really just okay with just his time and affection.

you'd both go on dates, whether it be in a small eatery, a fancy restaurant, over ice cream, game nights, or even window shopping in the malls. the blonde never failed to surprise you in any way. he was way better compared to your first ー floch ー since he knew how to handle all your mood swings; basically everything about you. whenever you had a mental breakdown, he'd sit beside you and wait for you to be comfortable enough to rant about what's bringing you down, so he could cheer you up. whenever you were overthinking things, he would never stop proving it to you that you and you only were his, and no other girl could probably surpass you.

you looked at the blonde who was sitting beside you with tears staining your face. you had another mental breakdown and it was getting worst since you've been overthinking, again. "hey, zeke?" you called out to him, "am i even enough?" you asked, preparing yourself for any answer he'd have to your question.

you looked so broken, that it broke him too. he didn't say anything in return as he just pulled you in an embrace, securing you within his hold as you allowed yourself to return the hug and cry your heart out, uttering apologies on how you weren't enough for this man right now, and how there were still many other girls out there who were way better than you, in between sobs and quiet sniffs here and there.

he pulled away from the hug as his eyes were staring into your own, his hand tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear as he smiled. "don't ever think that you're worth nothing, y/n," he continued, "i love you."

you just didn't know what you've done, for the once sweet boyfriend you had was now the exact opposite of how he was before. he'd call you 'overreacting' and 'sensitive' whenever you needed him so that you could vent about your problems and inner struggles. whenever you'd call him and suggesting you'd both go on a date, he'd immediately decline saying he had to go overtime in his job. whenever you'd shower him with your affection every time you were together, he'd only give you a half smile when he would usually do something in return that was two times greater than yours. just what happened?

you never wanted him to leave. maybe because you felt like all those months you were together would go to waste if you'd end everything with him now? anyways, that's when the manipulation started.

you'd wait for him to come home, fighting the sleepiness kicking in at 12 midnight. and when he finally did arrive, his neck were filled with marks you wish were just illusions, and his clothes clearly hastily put back on. you'd tell him about it over another argument and it would always end up with you apologising in the end.

you thought everything was a-okay, but it wasn't. you thought the relationship was healthy as fuck, but it was toxic. you thought you've done something wrong or was lacking in any way, but you were simply the one who gave more and the one who received less. you thought it was going fine, but it was going downhill. you thought you were okay, but you really weren't. the mistreatment was greatly detrimental to you ー worsening your bdd and affecting your ways as you attempted to change yourself countless times just to please him and reach his needs. love was intoxicating after all.

you slowly grew more distant from hange and from all of your friends since you've focused on zeke, and him only, trying so damn hard to fix something you hadn't done wrong. placing him at #1 priority and making yourself the least of the list to, at least, revive the relationship you grew so fond of. where was it now?


days had passed, months even. finally, you've woken up from such a depressing and mind wrecking nightmare. you've focused on yourself and realised that you were too naive and too gullible. you were convinced that the both of you could still rise and be back to how it used to be, being too blinded by love to see that it was never a possibility in the first place, not even a probability. and so, with eyes wide open to see the real thing, you mustered up all the courage to walk up to him and break your ties with the blonde. and, at that moment, you felt free.


"i hope i haven't said too much," you told the german who was driving. if he were to be honest, he wanted you to open up to him whenever you felt down or was just overthinking everything, but he wasn't knowledgeable of that yet, nor did he have the courage to tell you if he did so.

you were still in his car as you three were heading to a restaurant he had in mind. you just shared what kind of history you had with his half-brother, zeke jaeger, in a lower tone of voice after noticing that the little girl in the back seat was asleep. it wasn't too long after the three of you left the building, seeing to it that it was 15 minutes past 12. work starts at 1:15.

eren smiled as his eyes never left the road, "it wasn't too much, y/n," he started, "i'm just glad you were able to talk about what was bothering you," he added, earning a genuine smile from the h/c-haired woman sitting beside him.

"thank you," she said, those two words sincerely rolled from her tongue as the smile she wore haven't left her features. the rest of the car ride was comfortably silent as neither spoke up, just enjoying the silence that took over not long after you thanked him.

soon enough, you reached the restaurant eren had thought about as you woke kiana up. "kiana?" you called out to her, "we're here, baby. wakey wakey," you said, a hand slightly moving her arm as she groaned cutely and sat up. eren's teal green eyes never left the scene that unfolded before him. you acted as his little girl's mother and that had him have a soft part of his heart for you. but he, soon, shook the thought away as he announced for all of you to exit the car, hoping that you could go back to your respective jobs on time.

making your way inside the restaurant, you said, "i can't believe it was just yesterday i met you two."

eren hummed, "if only you weren't that careless, you wouldn't have had that huge cupcake stain on your ass yesterday," he replied, a teasing smirk plastered on his face.

you blushed beet red as you managed to say, "y-you saw that s-stain?" i thought i hid it well. what the fuck?

"yeah, it was big, y/n," eren said whilst giving you a side glance before asking a lady to lead you to a table for three.

your mind somehow managed to get that in a different way as you laughed, getting the german's attention as he looked over his shoulder. "what's funny?" he asked.

"oh," you said, "it just sounded so wrong," you added, laughing softly again after you said so. your eyes caught sight of eren furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to comprehend what you were trying to say. until he smiled, clicked his tongue all the while slightly shaking his head.

"you're naughty," he commented as you three sat down on the table of four as you reached for the menu to look over what dish you wanted to have for lunch. you only sheepishly grinned at the german as you kept silent.

a few minutes later, eren raised his hand to call for a waiter/waitress to attend to your orders. and soon enough, a waiter came to your table as he pulled out his pen and paper, ready to jot down your choices. "yes, ma'am? sir? what would be you-"

kiana interrupted the waiter who was speaking, asking her father something, curiousity running through her veins, "daddy? how do you make babies? do they just fall from the sky?"


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