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WALKING TOWARDS THE ELEVATOR situated near the reception on the first floor of the building, your mind wandered to what happened during your lunch out with the jaegers

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WALKING TOWARDS THE ELEVATOR situated near the reception on the first floor of the building, your mind wandered to what happened during your lunch out with the jaegers. you could feel as though your heart was doing multiple leaps and somersaults from within your chest; a blush tempting to taint your slightly heated cheeks.

eren's smile lingered in your head as well as the little girl's as you've finally entered the empty elevator, internally cheering that you were alone in the lift. checking the time on your wristwatch, it read 1:08. who's punctual? that's me.


exiting as soon as the metal doors opened, you headed towards the office, seeing as the lights had just flickered on and a few muffled laughs and chatters from your co-workers could be of earshot.

click. clack. click. clack.

pushing the glass doors open, you've been greeted by an overly enthusiastic sasha as a few potato crumbs surrounded her lips from a few corners. her lips curved up into a sly smile as she wiped the crumbs with the back of her hand, the smile never faltering.

your eyes only focused at her as you were trying to comprehend the reason as to why a smile like that was plastered on the senior underwriter's face. "what?" you nonchalantly queried, "what's with that look, sasha?"

she only gestured for you to come closer as you simply strode to her counter, resting your elbows on the glass situated on it. your e/c hues never left her figure as she was crouching down to fish whatever it was from her handbag that she placed under her desk; successfully hitting her head on the end of her table as she softly groaned in pain. "ow!"

you only clicked your tongue, muttering a faint 'clumsy' in commentary to what had just occurred. subtly glancing at your wristwatch, it read 1:12 as your eyes widened in panic. oh no, i haven't logged in yet. deciding to walk away from sasha's place to the biometric seated on the far end of the room, you placed your thumb on the scanner that lighted with green; hearing a sound of confirmation from the device as you let out a sigh of relief. 3 minutes early, ugh. i should be earlier next time.

"hey, y/n! y/n! y/n~" you heard sasha call your name like it was some sort of chant as she desperately waved her phone in front of you. your nearing figure squinted your eyes in the process, trying to decipher what kind of picture she was showing to you, and especially who the two people were on the photo since it came out too blurry for your vision as she profusely waved it like some sort of child whining to her parent to buy her a doll she saw online.

you usually would only give her half of your attention every time she'd do this, and this occurring on the first hour of the afternoon wasn't even helping. afternoons weren't your thing since 1-3pm is siesta time, your eyelids would feel heavy and the sudden temptation to sleep on your piles of paperwork would come crawling at you at any chance it could get. however, this afternoon was different. you held a much lighter and approachable aura around you, smiling here and there as your eyes never, ever felt droopy. your insides were having a celebration of their own as your beating heart was all over the place, making you feel all giddy and cheerful.

𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞. eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now