Chapter 14: Drama

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Peace. Ezreal lied down on his bed. He was exhausted. He closed his eyes for a brief moment before he felt someone poking him on his shoulder. He reluctantly opened his eyes to see a Zoe with a wide smile on her face. Kayn was fast asleep. He sighed.

"Where is all this energy coming from? Seriously".

"Ehh I don't know", she replied solemnly. "I've always been like this. Even before a became an aspect". She sat down on Kayn's bed, but the boy didn't even realize. He was sleeping with his mouth open, drooling. Zoe looked at him and smiled.

Kayn turned to switch sides, revealing his nudity.

"Ehh?!", she screamed but quickly covered her mouth with her hand, afraid that her screams would wake him up. Ezreal chuckled when he saw her all flustered.

"Haven't you ever seen a shirtless guy before?", asked Ezreal with a playful smile on his face.

"Ofcourse not! I'm not.. that kind of girl..", she responded shyly. Kayn moved again. His hand was now resting on Zoe's thigh. It seemed as if she jumped ten feet in the air. She even hit his hand. That was when he finally opened his eyes slightly.

"Hmm?", he said still half asleep. Less than a second later he was back to sleep.

Ezreal laughed. "Just leave him. He's probably too tired to understand what's going on anyway".

"Okay..", said Zoe blushing. "I have to go now. Sorry for bothering you, Ezreal"..

And like that she disappeared. What was that all about?

It was finally a good day. The breeze was chilly but he felt fine wearing his uniform jacket. The cold had been unbearable in the previous weeks and the rain was an everyday event. He had gotten used to it. He sat down on the pavilion with his lunchbox next to him. He felt a knot in his stomach as he sat there waiting for her.

When she saw him, her eyes lit up and she gave him a bright smile while she waved at him. Ezreal couldn't help but grin. The butterflies in his stomach were going crazy but he could never admit so. Even to himself.

"I'm so glad you could make it today!", she said as she took her seat next to him. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages! Well.. only in class but we can't really talk there, can we?", she chuckled.

"I guess you're right", Ezreal grinned unable to take his eyes off of her. "Did you miss me"? They were staring at eachothers blue eyes for a moment, before Lux finally look away.

"So, why didn't you come that day?", she said trying to defuse the awkwardness.

"Me and Kayn had an assignment from Professor Graves. Didn't you know? We told Sylas about it". That bastard. Frankly, I'm not surprised.

"Yeah, he told us you and two wouldn't make it, but he didn't know the reason why".

Ezreal sniggered. "Ofcourse he wouldn't".

Luxanna's smile disappeared for a moment. "You don't really like Sylas, do you"?

"I'd say that HE doesn't like ME, to be precise".

"Why would you say that"?

"I don't know. Just a gut feeling". BECAUSE HE SEES ME AS COMPETITION AND HE WANTS YOU ALL FOR HIMSELF!, his inner voice screamed.

"So what was your assignment with Professor Graves"?

Ezreal expression was serious. "Hey.. You know you can tell me anything right? I'm your friend", said Luxanna worriedly.

"I guess I don't have to lie to you. But you must promise me that you won't say anything, to anyone about this".

"I promise", she said without hesitation. "Me and Kayn.. We broke into the hospital. To see Principal Yuumi.. And Professor Graves caught us".

Lux gasped. "Why would you do that"?

"We wanted to find out who did it, so we can be prepared to fight".

The girl was awestruck but she asked "So what happened? When he caught you"?

"He helped us escape", Ezreal said staring at the ground. "He covered for us. And he's been giving me and Kayn school punishments under the table all this time. To make us realize how stupid we were I suppose".

Ezreal felt a hand on his cheek and he turned to face the girl he liked.

"Don't. Ever. Say that again". He gave her a defeated smile but stayed silent. She unwittingly stroked his cheek for a few seconds, but pulled away once she realized what she was doing.

"Don't worry, Ez. I won't say anything".

"Ez?", he asked smiling.

Lux chuckled nervously. "It just came out like this. Don't pay me attention".

He touched her hand. "That's the only thing I cannot do".

She pulled her hand away and and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Ezreal noticed a redness on her cheeks but didn't say anything. She pulled out her lunchbox.

"We should eat! That's what we came here for anyway"!

They both ate their lunch in silence.

"That was fun!", she said standing up. "We could come here again sometime"..


"Bye then!", she said awkwardly and begun to walk.

"Wait!", Ezreal yelled and the girl turned to face him once again. "I... uh.. I was wondering if you're going to the winter ball".

"Ofcourse I am! The new Principal is my aunt actually"! She is? That explains it.

"Well then.. Do you want to go.. with me"? Ezreal poured his entire confidence in forming this sentence. She took a few steps closer to him.

"I'd love to", she responded. "But Sylas has already asked me.. and I said yes.."

"Oh. That's totally fine! I'll probably just go with Kayn in the end", he laughed nervously and so did Lux. I. Hate. Sylas.

"I thought you were maybe.. going with Zoe"?

"Why would I?"

"I thought she was your-, never mind!", Lux giggled and walked away. "See you!", she turned and said before she was too far away.

Kayn was waiting for him in their room with his arms crossed like an angry mom.

"Are you insane?", he said looking mad.

"What?", replied the boy confused.

"You're going to the ball with Zoe"?

"I never said so. Why do you ask"?

"Because apparently, that's what she been saying to all the girls. Plus, that you're her boyfriend".

"Wait, what? Are you sure about this?", Ezreal begun to feel angrier by the minute.

"Duh!", he said irritated. "Neeko came and asked me if I know anything".

"She's making this whole thing up. I hope you know that. What's got your knickers in a twist anyway? This MY problem".

"I-I couldn't care less. It's just that.. Zoe is a classmate".


"I just don't want her to get hurt. You should clear this whole thing up. Fast".

"What should I tell her"?

"Just tell her you don't like her that way". Ezreal was speaking calmly, but the irritation hadn't left Kayn's voice.

"I'll deal with it".

"Suit yourself", said Kayn and stormed out the room.

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