Chapter 20: The Winter Ball: Part 1

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All of Kayn's good efforts to look presentable had been abandoned the minute he laid eyes on the giant bouffet. Red sauce was dripping from his lips all over his white shirt.

"You got a little something..", Ezreal told him pointing to his own lips.

"Where?", the boy asked genuinely concerned.

"Here", Ezreal pointed to his own chin, with a disgusted frown plastered on his face. Kayn wiped his chin quickly with a white papertowel but there were still visible traces of the sauce on his face.

"Better?", he asked.

"Sure", Ezreal grinned awkwardly lifting his shoulders.

"Oi Zoe, come here!", Kayn yelled at Zoe who was walking around the giant hall talking to seemingly everyone there. She looked adorable with her slick ponytail and her puffy short dress. Her earrings were shaped like cherries, giving her an even sweeter look.

"What!? Get this over with quickly! I can't be seen talking to you. You look.. so primitive", she replied angrily but still obliged to Kayn's request.

"Do you have a bag with you?", he asked her completely indifferent to how he looked. His eyes were glowing with mischief.

"Why do YOU wanna know?", she answered him squinting her eyes in suspicion.

"It's the girls job to carry bags to put boys' things inside", he laughed but he meant every word.

"That's what girlfriends do with their boyfriends. Not random guys"!

"You are girl. You are friend", Kayn's reply only seemed to further prove Zoe's point that he acted like a savage. "What else do you need to do me a teeny tiny favor?", he said as he took a sip of his drink.

The punch was admittedly a bit too strong. Even Ezreal felt it despite being used to drinking. Piltover culture. They don't care who's drinking. They just wanna sell bottles. And they're goddamn right to do so.

"What do you want?", she huffed.

"I want you to stuff your bag with these", he grinned trying to look charming as he showcased a plate of shrimps in his hands. She blinked.

"Seriously!? You are a fuckin' freeloader".

"Please Zoe! I will never ask for anything else!", he had put the plate down now as he folded his hands together. It almost looked like he was praying to Zoe. "Please"!

Zoe smirked.

"You'll do anything for this"?

Kayn nodded sincerely.

"You swear?", she asked. The devilish smile never left her lips.

"I swear", he sighed feeling frustrated after making a deal with the devil himself.

Zoe smiled and opened her clasp purse. Kayn's mouth was agape. Ezreal watched in terror as his shock turned to anger in the blink of an eye. Her purse was already overflowing with shrimps.

"I'M the freeloader!?", he frantically whispered.

"Well, you are. Technically".

"I'll kill her", he told Ezreal calmly. The blond boy bursted into manic laughter as the two of them carried on with their playful banter.

Every girl and every guy had went the extra mile trying to look their best. That much was pretty obvious to everyone. The boys in their mostly black suits and the ladies parading around in their evening gowns. Their jewels shined bright when the lights hit them.

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