Chapter 10: Heart to Heart

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His shoelace was untied but right now he didn't care to fix it. He was gazing the rain pouring around him, making the world seem like a blur to his eyes. He was soaking wet from running in the rain. His coat was dripping and felt heavier on his shoulders than usual. His blond hair was untied. Barely touching his shoulders.

The wooden pavilion protected him from the rain but not the wind. The cold breeze was giving him chills. He swiftly put his hands in his coat pockets trying to keep them warm. Droplets of water escaped through the tiny cracks on the roof and landed on his head. The cold dripping started to make him dizzy and he felt like his brain was beginning to ache.

But he couldn't leave. His feet had completely froze now and he was losing hope that anything good were to happen anymore. All in all, he was drowning in hopelessness and he couldn't deny it.

But then he saw her yellow umbrella floating behind a thick bush. She was walking in a fast pace. Ezreal noticed the muddy footprints she was leaving behind her. Her shoes were sinking in the mud and grass. Her hair wasn't tied up today and Ezreal was astonished with how long it actually was. It was reaching her lower waist. He was thinking of standing up but his body wouldn't obey him. He felt too tired.

Kayn and Ezreal went to school that morning. Practically they ran all the way to the entrance to protect themselves for the rain. A tall, beautiful woman with long blond hair was in the entrance hall turning the students away. Her hair looked almost white Ezreal thought before he noticed her serious expression.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but classes have been cancelled for the day", she said to both of them.

"Why?", asked Kayn.

"Is everything alright?", asked Ezreal.

"As students, you have the right to know this." She took a deep breath. "Principal Yuumi has been.. attacked".

"Well, is she gonna be okay?", asked Ezreal anxiously. He could feel his heartbeat getting increasingly faster.

"I'm afraid that we don't know. Yet. She's in critical condition as far as we know". The boys were silent unable to react. "We don't know if someone is targeting the school so you have every right to leave the establishment until this matter is sorted out", she concluded.

And go where..?

"Kayn told me you'd probably be here", she said. "Do you mind?", Lux asked indicating that she wanted to take a sit next to him. Ezreal simply lifted his shoulders looking indifferent. "You seem pretty upset..", she continued.

"How can I not be?", Ezreal asked while the rain was getting heavier and heavier. He hadn't even turn to look at her. He had his eyes focused straight ahead.

"Are you going to leave the dorms?", she asked. It seemed to him like she was only asking trying to be polite or even worse. Out of pity.

"I can't", he whispered under his breath but it was enough for her to reply.

"Why can't you? You should go to your parents hous-"

"Why are you here Lux? Huh? You haven't spoken to me in weeks and now you're here? Pretending to be my friend? Especially when you know so little about me". His answer was too harsh for the girl. Her eyes almost teared up but she blinked and went back to her normal self.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that maybe I could help", she paused. He had already regretted the way he spoke to her but his pride wouldn't let him take it back. He thought that she would stand up and leave when she continued "and I was probably right. I can see that you need it. So be a man and accept help when someone's offering. You'll probably look less of a prick then".

He didn't like being scolded by Lux. "I'm just mad at myself".

"And why is that?", the girl asked touching his thigh.

"Because I'm selfish", he paused. "Yuumi is out there fighting for her life and all I think about is myself. Where do I go? What do I do? I pity MYSELF instead of praying for Yuumi, especially when I owe everything I have to her".

"That's not true"..

"But it is!", he yelled then buried his face in his hands in frustration. Then he turned to face Luxanna. "Do you know why I'm here Lux"?

She looked baffled but didn't say anything.

"It's because I tried to steal shit from the library! That's who I am. That's what I do." he said pointing to his heart. "I'm nothing more than a common thief that Principal Yuumi took a pity on and gave me a home. But you wouldn't understand".

Lux sat quietly for a moment and then she said "You've got me all wrong Ezreal. You think I'm some rich girl who doesn't give a fuck about others? You've known me all this time and that's your conclusion about me?"

Her face was filled with anger but her tone was calm and clear.

"Principal Yuumi didn't pity you. She saw something in you. Otherwise you wouldn't be at the Battle Club of all clubs. You wouldn't have this", she pointed to his gauntlet. "And I.. I saw something in you too. I don't know if you've made some wrong choices along the way but who hasn't? And I'm here because I want to be your friend. So get used to it cause I'm not leaving if I don't see a smile".

They looked at each other and they both laughed out loud.

"Wow you're actually scary. Didn't expect that", said Ezreal still half laughing.

"Me? I'm the one who's scary? I never expected you to be the brooding type" she giggled. "I'm sorry Lux.. you wouldn't understand", she said mimicking his voice and making fun of him. "But seriously", she took his hand. "You need to learn to appreciate yourself more. You can't expect others to respect you, if you don't respect yourself first".

"Yeah, I guess..", he said embarassed for his previous behavior. "Lux.. do you know if the school is going to remain closed"?

"I don't think so.. Classes should resume in a couple days mo matter what happens to the Principal". They both stared at the ground. "You probably don't know this but Yuumi wasn't always Principal. Before her it was Marcus DuCouteau".

"..DuCuteau"? Sounds familiar..

"Yeah. Katarina's father. But he's gone missing since last year. The attack on Yuumi wasn't a random event. Someone really is targeting the Academy"..

"Well let them try." Ezreal seemed determined. "We're not gonna let them have it". Lux smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. She only pulled away when she realized what she did.

But Ezreal didn't mind. He didn't mind at all.

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