Chapter 61: Reckoning

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"Glad to have you back Katarina", Garen said in a hesitant voice.

The pink-haired girl was standing with her arms folded watching the ceremony from afar. She was finally let off the hook. Well. Unofficially. The last part of her "trial" would finally be over soon however she could walk among the rest of society thanks to the royal family of Demacia.

"Thank the Gods for connections", she chuckled and lifted her chin towards the Demacian prince. Her eyes looked empty.

Luxanna was smiling so brightly that everyone's eyes were glued to her. Only people who actually knew her could see that none of it was real. She was just trying too hard not to let anyone down. She had to become someone else. They even forced her to change her hair colour and go back to her natural one.

"Was it really necessary to have her go back to blonde?", she raised an eyebrow.

"You know the Demacian royal protocol", Garen huffed. "The red hair was probably just a phase anyway. Everyone goes through some kind of phase in their teens right"?

Katarina tried to muffle her laughter.

"Like that phase that you were obsessing over some Star-Guardians comics?", she smirked. Garen looked at her with his lips slightly parted.

"Wh- How did you know about that?", he asked shocked.

The girl lifted her index finger to her lips.

"It's a secret", she whispered leaning closer to his ear. There was a faint flush across the boy's cheeks.

"Just so you know I don't like Star-Guardians. Whoever said I did is lying through their teeth", he cleared his throat. "After all, Star-Guardians are for girls", he scoffed.

Katarina raised both eyebrows with a crooked grin on her face.

"Right.. Who's your favourite character then?", she asked with her palm against her chin.

"Syndra ofcourse", he retorted proudly then cupped his mouth as he realized he had fallen right into the girl's trap.

"Interesting choice!", she pretended to think.

"She's just misunderstood okay?! Just.. leave it..", Garen replied defeated.

Luxanna and Jarvan were now walking around the vast room. Greeting the guests as a couple.

Katarina pittied her. She may have known the girl her whole life but they never were close. They were always just neighbours. But this past year they spent it practically attached to eachother. Katarina DuCuteau was ordered by LeBlanc to actually befriend Luxanna Crownguard. How else could she ever become besties with such an annoying girl? Always looking at the bright side of things, constantly smiling plus a laughter that would make even the most sane of people want to kill themselves?

Regardless of the circumstances, Katarina had grown to care for the girl and would actually destroy anyone who would dare to make that smile disappear. It's just that she would never say that out loud. She had a reputation to maintain after all.

She sighed heavily looking at her only friend pretending to be happy. Standing proudly next to a guy she barely even knew, let alone have feelings for.

"You okay?", Garen touched her shoulder as soon as he saw her gloomy expression.

"Are you REALLY fine with this?", Katarina looked at him directly into his brown eyes and gestured towards the newly engaged couple.

"What do you mean"?

"THIS!", this time she clearly pointed to Lux.

"I don't get where you're going with this", Garen said but his voice showed otherwise.

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