Chapter 47: Conflict

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He's late again..

Luxanna was sitting silently on the school cafeteria, gazing at the waiters in their fancy outfits pacing up and down the room. Her head was resting on her folded arms on the table. Her Sorcery Club uniform made her stand out from the rest of the students in Doran's Academy. She could feel their curious eyes piercing through her back but she ignored them as she huffed out a sigh.

"May I?"

Lazily she turned around to see Jarvan the 4th, Crown Prince of Demacia himself, gesturing towards the empty seat beside her.

"Sure", she nodded with a polite smile as a sense of heaviness filled her heart. "Your Highness", she added hastily while bowing her head slightly.

Jarvan huffed a laugh.

"You don't have to address me like that when no one's listening. Well, no one important anyway", his eyes crinkled as he offered her a gentle smile.

"What should I call you then?", she asked inhaling his strong perfume. It was an acute yet pleasant smell.

"You'd be surprised to know how many people here call me J4", he said making her chuckle yet an awkward atmosphere still lingered between them. "You can call me Jarvan".

"I will, your H-" She was met with wide brown eyes. "Jarvan", she exhaled sharply correcting herself. Their pinky fingers grazed eachother on the table but neither of them pulled away.

"Should I go ahead and address the elephant in the room?", he chuckled. "I can tell that you're being uncomfortable with our.. situation. I mean.. we haven't even had a proper conversation to get to know eachother. We were both children last time I saw you.. But I would really like to get to know you a bit better Luxanna". His words sounded honest and real but all of a sudden her mouth felt parched.

"I know you're scared", he took her hand in his with gentle movements. "So am I. I'm not going to lie to you. The last thing I would want is to force someone into doing something they'd rather not". His thumb was moving up and down, tenderly stroking the back of her hand. "But I've accepted my role", he sighed.

Luxanna had never thought of this before but Jarvan was forced into a loveless marriage as much as she was. There was a time that she was eager to fulfill her duty as an elite and a member of high society. She had agreed to everything she'd been told to do willingly. The stigma of being a mage among high ranks in Demacia was still nagging her. Making her want to strive and prove herself to.. who exactly was she trying to impress? A thick knot sat at her stomach. Magic was a common practice everywhere but in her own country. When she was little she felt that this just wasn't fair. Why couldn't she be born in Ionia or Shurima? Or anywhere far from the strict laws of Demacia.

Jarvan said that he had accepted his role. But what about her? Things had changed in her heart whether she liked it or not. Sometimes she just wanted out. Of the Lords and the Ladies and the curtsies and the fancy dinners. But it didn't matter what she wanted anymore. Everything was set in stone.

She looked deep into Jarvan's eyes.

"I still haven't properly come to terms with the whole.. situation", she admitted earnestly then quickly averted her gaze.

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to deal with it. I wish I could. But all I can say is that I'll try. I'll try to make this work", the corner of his lips turned down.

Ezreal coughed loudly piercing through the somewhat intimate atmosphere weighing down over their heads.

"I hope you didn't wait too long Lux", he scratched the back of his head as he stood over their table. "Freaking Ekko turned off my alarm to prank me or something", he chuckled nervously trying to read the room. "Jarvan", he said to acknowledge his presence.

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