Yuga Aoyama

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'Secret Lover'

Yuga Aoyama x Top male reader 

My Hero Academia 

Genre: Fluff ☁

No Au (No dorms) 


3rd POV 

It was a normal day at UA, everyone was happy and talking amongst each other like usual, but one thing was off, Aoyama. The class 1A students all noticed how he was smiling a very warm smile towards his phone on and off, it worried some and others didn’t care.  

“Do you think we should talk to him or something?” Mina asked to Uraraka, “I don’t know maybe we should just leave it he looks happy.” She said 

“But it's just so weird,” Mina said staring intensely at Yuga. 

“H-hey Yuga, a-are you ok?” Deku stepped up and asked him, “Of course! Moi is absolutely fine!” he responded but he looked a little... nervous? 

“O-ok” he said and went back to his seat, but everyone knew something was wrong. 

{After school} 

Yuga got up quickly walked out the door, he speeds walked to the restroom and changed into some a white button up shirt and black tight jeans. He walked out and speed walked out of the school gate down the streets towards a park, little did he know he wasn’t alone. 

Mina POV 

Denki, Kirishima, Bakugo, Jiro, Sero, and I were all following Aoyama because he was acting way too suspicious earlier. “Why the FUCK are we following this baguette!” Bakugo shouted. “Shhhh! Be quite we can’t let him hear us,” I whispered to them 

“Why are we following him Mina, its creepy,” Sero whisper asked me, “He was acting weird earlier, so I think he has a a girlfriend or something.” 

“He could also have a boyfriend, you never now,” Kirishima said. “SHHH! Look there's a boy!” Kaminari whisper screamed while pointing. I turned my head and saw a tall, handsome (Hair colored male) standing there in a black t-shirt and black jeans, he had many piercings and tattoos covering his body. Aoyama went up to him and hugged him and kissed him on. The. Lips. 

Your POV 

I was waiting for my boyfriend to come at the park then I felt small arms wrap around my torso, I look down and see Aoyama snuggling into my chest. I smirk and hug him back; he lifts his head up and kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back until we pull away, he was blushing but had a cute smile a little different from his signature smile, it was softer. “Hello mon amour,” I said, he blushed more and smiled, “Hello mon amour, how are you? We haven’t seen each other in a while.” He asked me, “Oh I’ve been fine my dear, but I've missed your dazzling self,” I said moving a stray hair from his face. “Would you like to get going now dear,” I asked, he nodded, and we walked off hand in hand, but I heard some footsteps and voices, I turned my head back and saw nothing. “Is there something wrong mon amour?” Aoyama asked me tilting his head up at me, I shake my head and turn back continuing to walk. 

We arrived at the small café it was a tad bit fancy but calm, I ordered some tea and sweets for us, we sat at a booth and began eating while talking with each other, I looked up outside the window and saw a very pink girl, a guy with red hair, an off brand Pikachu, a tape dispenser, and an... angry Pomeranian? As soon as I looked at them, they hid out of sight which I found strange. I shook it off and continued focusing on the conversation until I had to use the restroom, I stood up and excused myself for a moment and went to the bathroom.  

Aoyama POV 

(Y/n) went to the bathroom and I kept eating and checked my phone until someone sat next to me and in front of me, I looked up and saw my classmates around me. “Darling! What are you all doing here?” I asked getting a bit nervous, “Well we noticed you were acting suspicious earlier” Mina said, “And we got curious, so we followed you” Denki continued. I went a little pale, “Oh darlings I know I'm sparkling but there was no need to follow me,” I said maintaining a calm persona. “We’ll get to the point fucking croissant, who the fuck was that guy!?” Bakugo asked, “Oh him he was just a friend dears,” I replied, “Oh really, you know we saw you kissing him earlier, is he still your friend,” Mina asked with a smug smirk on her face. I blushed a dark red and stuttered a bit “W-ell you s-see-” “Aoyama what's going on?” We all looked up and saw (Y/n) standing there with a confused face. “Hi! I’m Mina Ashido, that’s Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Sero, we’re Aoyama’s classmates” Mina said shaking his hand, “Oh you’re the people who were following us earlier, well I’m (L/n) (Y/n) Aoyama’s boyfriend.” 

“You knew we were following you the whole time?” Sero asked, “Well you guys aren’t the quietest people, and saw you all earlier outside the café,” (Y/n) replied. “Well sorry to ruin your whole date we'll get going now,” Kirishima said pushing the others out of the café. 

“Oh, thanks it was nice to meet you all,” he said smiling and waving to them, then he turned to me, “Well they seem nice, would you like to go to my place now?” He asked me, I nodded, and we were on our way. Once we got to his house we cuddled and watched a movie together with some drinks and snacks, “I love you mon amour,” “I love you too (Y/n).” He cuddled into my neck and peppered kisses all around. I was squirming a bit, “You know darling I haven’t seen you in a long time, it was pretty lonely,” He said to me. “I was quite lonely too dear,” I said, “How about I remind you how much I love you,” he whispered into my ear causing a breathy moan to leave my lips from his hot breath. I nodded my head shakingly, he picked me up bridal style and took me to the bedroom where we spent the rest of the night. 

{The next day} 

“Aoyama has a boyfriend!” Mina announced loudly, everyone gasped and turned to me I blushed dark and just walked to my seat. 

“Well no wonder he’s limping,” Tokoyami mumbled causing me to blush even darker if possible. 

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