the train

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DISCLAIMER: "grace" is not based on me, i just used my name because it's easier so i'm not being vain when i talk about how beautiful she is. also, this isn't written very well so sorry about that.
(gets better as you read on)
also i'm sorry it's not "y/n" but i can't read it when it's like that like i literally can't stand it so yeah sorry about that

grace sat on the train, by herself of course. all of her friends from back home were going to illvermorny. it's way closer to home but dad insisted that she go to hogwarts. his entire family went here and he wanted me to have a chance to meet my second cousin, the famous harry potter. the boy who lived. graces dad said we were never allowed to meet him because "them muggle scoundrels were torturing the poor boy." she's always wanted to meet him, she'd heard so much about him. a rush of nerves swam around her body when she realised he was on this train right now. she contemplated finding him and introducing herself when a girl sat down next to her. "hi!" said the girl as she tapped grace on the shoulder, "i'm mara. mara moonsky." grace really didn't know what to say, she was the type of girl no one really approached, she had a resting bitch face and people always assumed she was horrible. to be honest, she usually was. especially to people she's just met. grace gets scared that people might think she's weird.. or that she's annoying.. or over-friendly. she puts up a wall to people. but this girl.. she hasn't even said a word to her a cx she felt like she could trust her. she seemed warm and comforting. "oh, hi i'm grace. potter." mara paused. "potter? as- as in harry potter?"
i explained to mara about my family, how our dads were cousins, how we'd never met, how i knew so much about his parents and couldn't wait to tell him. we talked the whole journey, i could tell we would be friends. mara had brown hair, carefully pinned into a bun. she had tan olive skin and freckles over her nose. her blue eyes were so bright, they took over her face and were her most eye-catching feature. she had a small mouth with pretty supermodel-like lips and white teeth that showed when she laughed. she was a very beautiful girl.

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