third year.

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grace is a fairly tall girl. she is 5"7, slim and has jet black hair that she wears in a sleek ponytail every day. she has pale skin, and rosy cheeks. she has long lashes that are naturally very black. she's a very beautiful girl.

third year. i'm quite excited for this one. i sat on the train with mara, talking about classes and housing and all that. i realised cinnamon was taking a while to get here. i questioned mar about her whereabouts and she went bright red and looked away. obviously something was up so i asked her.
"well.. you see you know connor? yea cin's brother.. well he kissed me. yes i know but he kissed me! i didn't kiss him!"
she paused to see me reaction.
"well- did you kiss him back?"
"and now she hates me and she hates you but i don't know why and i'm so sorry" she burst out into tears. my best friend of two years hates me? for no reason? i was shaking and felt a gulp in my throat. you should know that one of my closest friends was hermione granger. i told mar i would be back in one second, and went to find hermione because i didn't know what to do. i passed cinnamon on the way. she was sat with.. draco malfoy? that dick? i've barely seen draco in the two years i'd been here  but i knew he was a nobhead. i plucked up the courage and opened the carriage door. they had all been laughing, but courteously stopped on my behalf. cinnamon was glaring at me, as if i'd commited a crime worthy of azkaban, when i hadn't done anything. draco was staring at me too. i don't know why, he looked.. confused? he looked like i was some sort of rare jewel that had just waltzed right up to him. he was staring at my face as if he was in a daydream which was weird since he's always ignored me before. i mean yeah sure i look different to how i did before the holidays, but don't we all? he certainly did.
"cin?" i said, i didn't mean for it to come out as cold as it did but here we are.  draco looked as if he'd snapped out of a trance and said whilst grinning in a strange way; "oh just what we need. another potter." crane and goyle laughed hysterically. immature children. cinnamon looked up and replied
"what do you want? silly little ugly girl. you should know i'm not interested in talking to you."
i was taken aback,  she'd never been like this before.
"what did i even do to you?!"
she frowned at me and stood up so we were on even eye levels.
"you're just like her. i don't need you. now get out." she shut the door in my face and i was so hurt i couldn't move. i knew she had always be jealous but this was so unlike her. draco glances up at me, with the same strange look on his face. i walked down the train until i found ron, hermione and harry. i opened the door to what seemed like a calm discussion compared to what i had just faced.
"see? take grace for example. and mara and cinnamon. not all slytherins are bad people." said hermione, talking to ron.
i rolled my eyes at the stereotype.
"charming. though i wouldn't speak too soon about cinnamon.."

when we got to school i found my first class was potions and i sat next to draco. in fact i found i say next to draco in every class except astronomy where i sat next to neville longbottom. sweet boy. nice to talk to. i was sat under a shelter talking to hermione with no one around. she is so beautiful, her rosy cheeks are marble smooth and her hair smells like apples.
"you know you shouldn't listen to cinnamon. you're not ugly. not at all actually"
she said, fingering a strand of my dark hair and putting it next to hers, displaying the contrast  in colour.
"black is such a beautiful colour. although it's always associated with evil. quite fascinating actually."
draco and his friends walked passed and saw us from a distance.
"is that your girlfriend, mudblood?" he shouted across the garden.
"better than any girlfriend you could ever get"
she returned, smugly raising her eyebrows. draco seemed stumped and walked off in a huff. i think she hurt his ego. either that or.. i don't know he's quite hard to read.
the bell rang and i went in for herbology. hermione is such a good friend.

"oh look who it is. the pretty potter."
said draco as he saw me walking over to our desk. i squinted my eyes and stared at him. was that his attempt at flirting with me?
i ignored him and got my books out.
"if i didn't know better malfoy, i'd say you had a little crush on grace" said ron, laughing at the thought of draco having feelings. although it almost felt as if he was laughing at the thought of someone having a crush on me.
"are you drugged up, weaselbee? of course i don't have a- no i dont. so shut up. you fancy hermione anyway"
this seemed to shut ron up which was quite funny. everyone knew he loved her. even she seemed to on some level.
draco slouched back, his arms on his chair.
"i was just joking you know. i don't think you're pretty i was joking. you're- you're um.. ugly. yes very ugly."
he stuttered, obviously embarrassed.
i looked draco up and down and smirked at him. this made him grin widely and we didn't speak for the rest of the lesson.

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