Chapter 5-The Interview

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I woke up to beeping machines. I tried to shift and cried out in pain. My brother ran and wrapped his arms around me. “Ollie? Ollie!” I fell into his arms and started to cry. He buried his face in my hair. “Speedy. Oh my God, Speedy. When they called me…” I cried into his chest. “Ollie, I was so scared.” He held me, and the door opened. Rory and John rushed in. “Oliver? How did you even get in here? And who is that guy?” John pointed to the chair. “That’s Roy. He’s with me. And I came in a few minutes ago.” Rory looked confused. “How? We were just outside the door.” Rory ran to my side. “Rae…” He sat next to me. “What happened?” John looked at me. “I never should have let you run outside alone. But Blake said that-”

    Oliver quickly turned. “Blake? You listened to Blake?”

“Oliver, he’s my boss.”

    “This is my sister.” I gripped his hand. “Oliver, it’s not John’s fault.” He took a deep breath. “I know. Sorry, man.” John shook his head. “Grief is like that. I get it.” My doctor walked in just then. “Miss Anderson, it’s so good to see you awake. How is your pain?”

    “It’s fine. How is my brother?”

“Stable. You saved his life.”

    I relaxed. “So he’s gonna be okay?”

“Yes. Yeah, he’s gonna be fine.”


“Miss Rae, there’s a detective outside. He wants to take your statement. Are you feeling up to it?”

    “Can my brothers stay?”

“Of course, dear.”

    “Okay. Let him in.”

She left and returned with a man in a uniform. Oliver tensed as he entered. “Raelynn Anderson, right?” I nodded. He gave my brother a strong look of disdain before turning back to me. He offered his hand, and I shook it. “I’m Detective Laurens of the RCPD. I know this trauma you’ve just been through will be hard to talk about. But we need to know, okay?” I nodded. “Okay, Miss Raelynn. Tell your story.” I took a deep breath and Ollie gripped my hand.  “So, last night we came here at about 3 A.M. because my little brother Justin was very very sick. We brought him here, and they said he had meningitis. My brother-Ollie-” I motioned at him, “He left for some reason. So, I went out into the waiting room and his bodyguard-” I looked at Ollie. “Oh, Lucas. John, where is Lucas?” John motioned to the doorway where my brother’s bodyguard stood. “Lucas, I’m so sorry for what I said to you last night. I was upset and angry. But that is no excuse for how I acted, and I’m sorry.” He nodded. “It’s quite alright, Miss Raelynn. I understand. I’m just glad you’re alright.” I nodded and Detective Laurens motioned for me to continue. I sighed. “I yelled at Lucas, and everyone was telling me to calm down. I got so upset, that I ran outside and sat for a while.” Detective Laurens raised his eyebrows. “Was anyone with you when you went outside?” Roy shifted in his chair. I glanced over at him and said, “No. Just me.” He relaxed. I looked back to Detective Laurens and began again. “When I came back inside, there was some guy in a doctor’s outfit who asked me if I was Raelynn, and when I said yes, he put a needle in my neck and I passed out.” My hands were shaking, and Jay took my other hand to steady me. “When I woke up, I was in this warehouse-”

    “Any distinguishing features? Could you tell?”

I shook my head. “Um… I don't really… I don’t think so.”

    He nodded. “Go on, Miss Anderson.”

“There were these guys in masks. They kept asking me about my brother.”

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