Chapter 3: An Acquaintance Turned Friend

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(e/c) = eye color

(h/c) = hair color

The next day, you reported to work with a plan. Unlike weekday mornings, the diner was a bit more crowded with families. Kelly came up to you with a big grin.

"Oh no, what are you about to do?" you asked, tying on your apron. They leaned against the wall and picked at their nails nonchalantly.

"Expand the location." You cocked a brow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" They followed you into the kitchen as you started grabbing orders.

"After this week, we're closing for a while to add on to the building."

"How long is a while?"

"3 months."

"Kelly--" You were cut off by the chef.

"Table 2, tea and muffin!" Sighing, you went to deliver the food, but not before glaring at Kelly. They looked a bit nervous, rubbing the back of their neck and smiling.

Arthur was waiting patiently for his food while working on his laptop. Seeing him made you feel a bit better. You dropped off his plate and cup

"Hello, love. Busy morning?"

"You're telling me. I have something planned but--"

"(Y/n)? Order up for Table 7!" Arthur heard the cook's call.

"I'll stick around until you get a break." Gratefulness entered your expression before you ran back to the kitchen.

Saturday mornings were the worst. Everything was always chaotic and someone always spilled something on you. Like right now, when a toddler squeezed the contents of his juice box onto your shirt, just missing the apron. What's the point of wearing this thing if it never works? Still, you smiled and dismissed the mother's apologies. You finished taking the family's orders before bringing them to the kitchen.

Arthur watched the exchange from his own table. The calm way in which you reacted impressed him. He hadn't realized he was staring at you as you came back from the kitchen until you caught his gaze and smiled. He smiled back, heat rising to his face before he quickly pretended to go back to work.

He couldn't deny it; you were pretty. It was very obvious that you had a kind heart. After having to deal with his irksome (and often incompetent) coworkers, you were just the type of friend he needed. He waited for the initial surge of orders to calm down.

You finally caught a break and headed over to sit at his table.

"Hey Arthur. How are you today?" He closed his laptop so that he could meet your soft (e/c) gaze.

"I'm great, tired as always. How are you?" A long sigh answered before you even spoke.

"I'm holding up. I had a nice idea, as a way to repay for your kindness." His eyebrows raised and he gestured for you to continue. "Maybe I could treat you and your kids to dinner tonight?" You held your breath as he appeared to think over it. You hoped you weren't bothering him. Just as you started to overthink, he answered.

"That would be lovely. What time are you thinking of?" You couldn't hold back your smile.

"Maybe 7?" He nodded, making a mental note of it. "Great! I have to get back to work, but I'll see you then." You return to serving orders and he returned to filling out his forms.


You were happy to have something to look forward to. It tended to get really boring when your cousin Elizabeta wasn't home. She was more like an aunt than a cousin. You weren't even positive if she was actually related to you. In the rare times when she was home, she was showing you pictures and trinkets from her travels. A call you received from her yesterday reminded you that she wouldn't be back for a few weeks. You started to wonder if she was involved in the same agency as Arthur. Maybe you should ask her the next time you saw her, whenever that was.

Presently, though, you had to figure out what to wear. Something casual, but a bit classy? A nice navy blue blouse stood out in your closet. Naturally, some black leggings went along with it, as well as some black flats. You decided to leave your (h/c) hair as it was.

Arthur texted you 10 minutes before 7.

Arthur: Are you still good to go? You smiled as you typed out a response.

You: Of course! See you then.

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