Chapter 6: Play Date pt. 2

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"How about a game of hide and seek? Only rule is, we have to stay out of your dad's rooms. And don't break anything." The kids seemed fine with that. 

"You gotta count to 10!" Michelle chirped, already running away. You covered your eyes and stood in the center of the living room. 

"One…two...three…" The children scrambled about as you counted. You thought you heard something fall, followed by hushed laughter.

"And ten! Ready or not, here I come!" You checked the kitchen first, following the sound of giggles. It led you into the cabinet, where you were met with Michelle's smiling face among bottles of dish soap and bleach. She crawled out and waved her arms.

"You found me!"

"I could hear you from in there. Let's go find the boys." You took her hand and carefully looked in the pantry and under the table. No sign of them. They must've been in the back of the house. 

This time, there were no tell-tale giggles to give them away. 

The door to the kids' bedroom was slightly ajar, arousing your suspicion. 
"Hewwo?" you called. Michelle immediately started looking under the beds while you started for the closet. You cautiously opened it. Out came Alfred, leaping into your arms from the shelf.

"Weee! You found me! Good job, (Y/n)!" You stumbled a bit, surprised by the boy’s attack. 

"How did you get up there?" 

"Climbing. Did you find Michelle or Mattie yet?" His sister waved at him as he jumped down to the floor.

"Okay now," you said, "let's go find Matthew. The most likely place he would be now is the playroom."  The troopers followed you down the hall.
You slowly opened the door and looked around. Michelle assisted, remaining by the door to listen out for the sneaky boy.

A tiny movement drew your attention to the large toybox. It should have been big enough to hold all of their toys and more, yet it seemed most of them were flowing out of the sides. A majority of them appeared to have been dumped on the surrounding floor.

You started to dig through the blocks and figures until you found a pair of purple eyes. 

"Hi." He sat up, not noticing the sock monkey on his head. You helped him out of the bin and onto the floor. A toy gun landed at his feet. Alfred got an idea, blue eyes lighting up.

"Let's play laser tag!" The other two caught on to the idea. You smiled and started stretching.

"Every man for himself!" shouted Matthew, grabbing a vest.


Surprisingly, Matthew won most of the rounds. His quietness and stealth startled you several times. You were currently sprawled out on the floor, exhausted from your constant assassination. You sat up and began removing your game vest. Michelle came up to you, looking equally tired and holding her belly.

"(Y/n), I'm hungry, can we have lunch now?" 

"Yeah, can we?" asked Alfred, Matthew in tow. You nodded. 

The kids got their Lunchables from the fridge and sat at the kitchen table to eat. You stood at the counter, eating the little lunch you had packed yourself. 

Arthur left a little schedule attached to the fridge, saying that after lunch came naptime. The kids were washing their hands and were about to head into the living room.

"It's almost naptime," you called after them.. Michelle frowned.

"I don't wanna take a nap."

"Me neither," said Alfred. You mentally sighed.

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