Chapter 5: Play Date

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You got up about an hour before you were supposed to go to Arthur’s house. As was usual for the last few days, it was storming. Arthur had just texted you the address, and you were about to head out in some sweatpants and a comfy hoodie with a old t-shirt underneath. 

The wind combined with the storm made it difficult to drive, and you wondered if you had missed any news about a hurricane. The weatherman on the radio was talking about severe thunderstorms lasting through the night. At least you'd get to spend the rainy day with those kids.

You found the address that Arthur gave you before parking in the driveway beside his green car. After ringing the doorbell, you heard excited chatter and footsteps. Arthur opened the door.
"Hello love, come on in." You thanked him, glad to be out of the mess outside. Alfred jumped onto you for a hug, nearly knocking you over. Arthur scolded him before turning to you. 

"Thanks again for this, (Y/n). Important phone numbers are on the fridge, first aid kit is under the sink, and there's pizza rolls and Lunchables when they get hungry. I'll be back around 5, don't hesitate to call if you need anything, alright?" You gave him a thumbs up and a smile. "Behave yourself, children. Hopefully traffic won't be bad today. See you later." With that, he was out the door.

Michelle cheered and ran over to the couch, jumping up and down. 
"(Y/n)'s here! (Y/n)'s here!" Alfred started tugging you towards the back of the house. The other two followed you through the hallway. As you looked around, you came to the conclusion that Arthur was pretty well-off. The bookshelf in the living room was filled with old tomes and busts of historical figures, gorgeous paintings hung from the walls, and from your brief glance in that direction, you could see the kitchen was large with a stainless steel fridge. 

Alfred showed you their shared room. Each little bed had the child's name on it. Alfred's bed had red, white and blue stripes on the spread. A baseball bat leaned against it, and a football sticker was next to his name on the wall. 

Matthew's spread was red plaid, and a hockey stick was mounted above his name. A stuffed polar bear sat on his pillow. Michelle's blanket was blue with little white flowers. A fish sticker was beside her name, and a large dolphin plush was on her bed. A large closet took up most of the opposite wall. 
"Do you like Kuma?" Matthew asked, holding the toy up. You patted it's head and nodded. 

"He's very cute. So is your dolphin, Michelle." The girl beamed as she held up the plush that was the same size as her. Alfred grabbed his baseball bat and started swinging it around carelessly. 

"How about this, (Y/n)?" Your eyes widened and you held out your hand.
"Maybe don't swing that inside, okay?"
"Okay!" He tossed it to the side, letting it hit the massive teddy bear in the corner. Michelle stuck her hand up in the air. 

"Let me show you the rest of our house!" You obeyed, letting the girl show you their playroom. It was a bit messy compared to the rest of house, so you assumed Arthur let them mess it up as much as they wanted. 

"Check out my race cars!" Looking over to where Alfred was, you saw a nicely organized toy car display case. Matthew was showing you his many drawings on the walls, while Michelle proudly gestured to her rock collection. There were more stuffed animals lying in a heap beside the large toy box. Arthur was definitely not stingy. 
Matthew took charge, bringing you down the hall. 

"This is the bathroom. It's very good for taking baths." You nodded and held back a laugh at his overly serious demeanor. A smaller room with a desk and several bookshelves was next. 

"This is Dad's study. He always works in here instead of playing with us," saud Alfred with a frown. 

"Well, I'll be here to keep you company." His smile warmed your heart. Passing the storage closet and laundry room, the tour led you to Arthur's bedroom.

"This is Daddy's room," chirped Matthew. You looked around nervously, trying to step back.

"I don't think we should be in here." The minimal decorations looked very fragile and rather expensive. Michelle was jumping on the bed, unbothered by your words.

"Don't worry, he won't find out. We always jump on his bed when he's gone." You gently grabbed Alfred by the hand, stopping him from joining his sister. 

"Why don't we go play a game in the living room?" Michelle stopped jumping and excitedly clambered off the bed. The kids brought you back to the living room. Matthew made you sit on the couch while Alfred stood on his tip-toes to get a book from the shelf. Michelle took it from him and sat on your lap. 

"This is our picture book." You opened it, discovering that it was a photo album. Alfred and Matthew moved in closer on either side of you. Michelle turned the pages and pointed the people out. The first picture was of Arthur and another blonde, the second having wavy hair with a short beard.

"That's Daddy and Papa." She pointed to the wavy-haired man when she said "Papa". You nodded. Wasn't Arthur a single father, though?

"We don't see Papa as much anymore," said Matthew. That explained it. The next few pictures captured the two's personalities. Arthur was the more angry one while the other seemed to be more romantic, judging by his kissy faces in most of the photos. A picture of the two each holding a baby caught your attention. 

"Is this Alfred and Matthew?" Alfred nodded, pointing himself out in the next picture. The baby boy was pulling Arthur's face and laughing while Arthur didn't look as pleased. The next was of their Papa and Matthew asleep on the couch. 

Alfred and Matthew grew up throughout the many pictures, and soon baby Michelle appeared. The photos showed her getting into trouble with her brothers and making silly faces. Alfred at his baseball games and Matthew at his hockey games took up a large chunk of the photos, with pictures of Michelle at swim practices towards the end. The most recent picture was the family of 5 at the beach. Michelle traced the outline of the wavy haired-man.

"I miss my Papa." You ruffled her hair. 

"Well I don't want you to be sad. Do you guys wanna take a new picture?" They all nodded excitedly as you got your camera.

"Say cheese!" Alfred saluted the camera while Michelle threw up peace signs, and Matthew just waved while you smiled at the kids around you. 

"We should put this one in the book, too," said Alfred. 

"I can get it printed out for you." Michelle took the phone from you. 

"Do you have other pictures?" 

"Of course I do." You showed them some pictures of you with your "cousin" Elizabeta. The kids seemed to recognize her.

"Ms. Hungary!" said Matthew. "She works with our dad." That confirmed your idea from yesterday.

You helped Alfred put the photo album back. The three kids looked at you expectantly, bouncing up and down as they awaited your next activity. 

[Next chapter will be more fun with the kiddos, and then we'll get some more Arthur :)
Drop any suggestions for the 'play date', activities with Arthur, or more story ideas in the comments, or on my message board.]

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