Chapter 13: Game On

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Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. The time for Alfred's baseball game soon arrived. Francis had texted Arthur, letting him know that they would meet him at the diamond in the bleachers. 

You reluctantly broke away from your book, and even more reluctantly from Arthur. His desire for punctuality finally pulled him from his trance, and he suggested that the two of you head for the car. Hesitantly, you gathered your things and tossed them in the trunk. Arthur hopped into the driver's seat and headed for the sports field.

He started humming a tune as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. It was an old song, but you couldn't tell what it was. You unconsciously began humming along.. The field came into view. 

It wasn't hard to spot Francis and the kids. To say they were dressed excessively was an understatement. Francis had his face painted in red, white, and blue. Matthew had his face painted to like a baseball, and Michelle had "GO TEAM!!!!" written on both cheeks. They were all wearing shirts with Alfred's team name on them.

Arthur stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the three. He didn't even stop to find Alfred on the field, instead marching up to Francis. Quickly, you followed and called after him, worried that he might start something.

"Are you kidding me?" Arthur asked Francis. The other man blinked innocently. 

"We're being supportive."

"Look Dad, I'm a baseball!" Arthur sighed as Matthew showed off his face paint. Taking out his handkerchief, he tried to wipe the paint off of Michelle, but she wouldn't let him. You sat down between the two men to stop any more hostility from breaking out. Michelle smiled up at you and took her place on your lap. The sun was out, and it was just the perfect weather for a "good ol' game" of baseball. 

Alfred was still nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was off to the side to stay away from the field. The umpire started to talk. You tuned him out, trying to spot the blonde boy. The first boy came up to bat. He missed, once, twice, three times, out. 

A disappointed sigh came from Michelle. 

"This game already sucks."

"Don't be like that," said Matthew. "We just have to cheer harder and then we'll win."

"We'll never win," whined Michelle with a pout. You patted her head. 

"Cheer up. I'm sure they'll do fine." You noticed a vendor going up and down the bleachers screaming about his Skittles. "Maybe some candy will make you feel better?"

A few minutes later, both kids were on a sugar high and were screaming like their lives depended on it. Even Arthur was more hyped up than usual. He had a soda in his hand and took a big gulp every time the home team earned a point. You watched in mild amusement while trying to get the kids to tone it down.


You weren't able to focus on the game's score while trying to manage the kids. Both fathers weren't very helpful, instead adding to the energy. Arthur suddenly let out a deep shout.

"ALFRED! SWING!" You turned your attention to the field, where Alfred was awkwardly stepping up to the plate. It was a tied game. The boy had a chance to win it all. Michelle stood up on your lap, the paint melting off her face as well as Matthew's and Francis'. You piped up, hoping to get Alfred's attention.

"C'MON ALFIE, LET'S WIN THIS!" Right as he swung, he looked up at you. You cheered him on as the ball soared. It kept going and going until--


Michelle nearly knocked you over trying to climb onto your shoulders. When she finally got down, she held a baseball in her hand.

"RUN BOY, RUN!" Realizing that he was still standing there, Alfred started sprinting through the bases. He ran so fast that for a moment, he became a blur of red, white, and blue. 

His team won. If the people in the bleachers were loud before, they were deafening now. The boys on the field were all around Alfred, patting him on the back and giving him high fives. He seemed to be bothered about something, though.

After they changed, Alfred made a beeline for you. 

"(Y/n), are you okay?!" He jumped up into your arms, holding on for dear life.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

"I thought the ball hit you." You ruffled his hair as Francis started talking. 

"Well, I think we've earned ourselves a nice lunch, non?" 


The server looked at Francis, concerned. He had apparently forgotten that there was half-melted paint all over his face. Matthew and Alfred sat next to him while Michelle sat between you and Arthur on the other side. 

"I must look like a fool," mumbled the Frenchman. Arthur rolled his eyes and said something under his breath. You sighed. Michelle pointed at her menu.

"Are you gonna get chicken nuggets?"

"Ah, no, I think I’ll get [food]." You helped her pick out her meal. After the orders had been taken, you helped Michelle wash her hands. Arthur had taken the boys, leaving just you, Francis, and Michelle at the table. 

He'd wiped the paint of his face, though some of it remained stuck in his eyebrows and beard. His head was resting in his palm, and he was looking out the window dramatically. Michelle was busy coloring her kid's menu. After a bit of hesitation, you decided to break the silence.

"So, are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. Just happy to see my kids." He smiled at Michelle, but she was ignoring everyone right now. "You spend a lot of time with them, oui? Do they talk about me a lot?" His gaze softened as he cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, they show me pictures of you in the photo album all the time. They really do love you." A small smile blossomed across his face.

"So Arthur lied."


After eating at the restaurant, Francis had to head back to his hotel. You sat beside Arthur in his car with the kids in the backseat, sound asleep. 

"So what did Francis say to you?"

"He asked if the kids talk about him. I told him yeah. Have you been telling him different?" His grip on the steering wheel tightened a bit. You looked at him, making sure he felt you gaze.

"Yes," he admitted. "I want them to let go of him."

"Look Arthur, I know it's really none of my business, but you should at least let the kids see him more often. He's their dad too." Arthur sighed, finally looking at you.

"Have I really been unfair?"

"You should ask your kids. They miss him." He sighed again before going silent. Alfred stirred in his sleep. 

"All right then. Next week, when he's in town. But, if you're not busy, maybe we could take the kids to the park tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Parent!England x Fem!Reader: The ParkWhere stories live. Discover now