Chapter 10: Order

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Always orderly and organized, Arthur helped you work out a weekly schedule so that way you could work a short shift at the agency, with enough time and energy left over to pick up the kids and watch them until he finished his own business. 

Each morning after he dropped the kids off at school, you two would meet up at the park for a 30-minute run. Then you'd both head home to dress for the workplace, and carpool to the building. 

You mostly saw him during the local meetings. Your job was mainly to monitor international statistics and news and suggest which representatives should be contacted. That degree was working in your favor. Arthur must have told the other staff about you beforehand, because when you arrived, they were all anxious to meet you. 

You'd leave the place a little after scheduled lunchtime to head home and relax for a bit. Arthur dropped you off at your house, sometimes he would have lunch with you. That was your hour and a half for lunch and leisure. 

Soon, the kids got out of school, so you'd go to pick them up. Arthur said that you could take them anywhere you wanted, as long as their homework was done. 

Today, you were lacing up your sneakers to head out to the park. Arthur was waiting for you, stretching by the pond. He smiled as he noticed you jogging up to him.

"Wanna race?" This change in attitude surprised you.

"You? Race me? You must want to lose." He only chuckled, smirking as he stretched his arms above his head. 

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course not." 

"Then let's go." You had to admit, he was faster this time. Other people on the path parted like the Red Sea to avoid Arthur smacking into them. A stitch in your side came up. You huffed. Since when had he been this energetic? The pain grew worse and your body forced you to slow to a stop just short of the bench that determined the finish line. 

Arthur flew past you before slowing into a jog. 

"You alright?" You waved him off, sitting on the bench.

"Why are you so hyper?" He shrugged, sitting beside you.

"I don't know. I guess that's just what happens when I'm around you." His face was all red, but something told you that it wasn't just from the race. 

"I think I'm heading back early today. I'm all sweaty." He nodded.

"Alright then. I'll pick you up at 8:45."


Later, you were driving to the elementary school to pick up the kids. You spotted them waiting at their dismissal spot before the other cars moved. They lit up once they saw you.

"Hi (Y/n)," Alfred threw the door open before rolling into the backseat. Michelle and Matthew followed, buckling up before looking up at you with smiling faces. 

"Hey kids, how was your day?" For once, they'd managed to get through a school day without getting into trouble.

"That's great! Are you guys hungry, what do you want to eat for lunch?" A small chant started from Alfred. Your eyes widened. 

"Mc-Don-ald's. Mc-Don-ald's." 

"A-Alfred, relax kid." Too late. Michelle and Matthew had already caught on.

"Mc-Don-ald's! Mc-Don-ald's! MC-DON-ALD'S!" You gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the children. 


"ALRIGHT, okay, we're getting McDonald's!" The high-pitched cheer that followed almost made you swerve off the road. You sighed. How does Arthur do it? A glance to the rearview mirror answered you. The kids were all smiles and giggles. You supposed that was a reward in itself. 

The worker at the drive-thru gave you a look of sympathy when you pulled up from the ordering spot. They handed you your drinks with a smile.

"They get like that when they see McDonald's." 

"How did you know?" You handed the tray to Michelle in the backseat.

"I have 3 of my own. Your kids are adorable." They waved as you pulled off. You realized that they said *your* kids. Of course, you loved them, but they didn't belong to you. Right?

You realized that the Happy Meals were sitting in the seat next to you. Passing them to Matthew, your thoughts returned to the day ahead.

"So, where do you guys want to go today?" 

"I wanna go to (Y/n)'s house," Michelle said.

"Yeah," said Alfred, mouth full of fries. "We've never been." Matthew agreed. You furrowed your brows.

"Why my house?" 

"'Cause that's where you live," said Michelle matter-of-factly. 

"Yeah, I bet it'll be cool!" Matthew cheered. You shrugged. Hopefully you'd remembered to clean up before you left the house. 


Pretty soon, your house became the after-school hangout. You would whip up something simple or get their lunch from the fridge. After food came a nice nap and then some play time or TV. You felt closer to them than you ever had before. Arthur had even let the kids stay overnight a few times.

The kids loved your house. Especially your room. Matthew always cuddled up to you in your onesie, which had different Disney characters on it. Alfred liked to jump up on your bed, while Michelle liked to explore everything in the room. Alfred and Michelle would be into everything while Matthew just wanted to chill and snuggle.

Matthew had definitely opened up more. After falling into this order for about a month, he became almost clingy. But you loved it. Arthur had essentially become your best friend. He was pretty old-fashioned, but he was open to anything and had some special interests that you wouldn't have guessed.

For example, he was really into punk rock. He even showed you his British flag bandana and leather jacket while you were dropping his kids off. You told him that he had to share his favorite band with you.

"Maybe," he said, "I'll show you one day." He gave that devilish smile once again. You started to help the kids clean up while Arthur headed to the fridge. He smacked himself in the head.

"Are you okay?" He looked back to you with exasperation in his eyes.

"I forgot to get the bloody groceries." You waved your hands.

"It's alright. I can watch them till you get back." Michelle jumped up and down. 

"Can we all go to the store together?"
Arthur hesitated until Alfred and Matthew started pleading together.

"I don't see why not. (Y/n), would you like to come with us?" You nodded, since your own fridge needed restocking anyways.

"Alright then, everyone into the car." At your command, the kids and Arthur hopped in.

Parent!England x Fem!Reader: The ParkWhere stories live. Discover now