Chapter 7: Blackout

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You kept the kids close, hoping that this was just a big mistake. The thunder and lighting made it clear that this blackout was for real. You were forced to accept your defeat.

"You guys stay here--" You were cut off by their immediate protests. "Okay then. You guys can come with me, we'll look for some flashlights, maybe even some lanterns." Hopefully Arthur had some in his storage closet, since he seemed to have everything else needed for camping. Alfred, Matthew, and Michelle held hands in line, following closely behind you. The flashlight from your phone was enough to find the closet, and it illuminated the small space while you and the kids searched. 

"Got a lantern," said Alfred. Michelle held up a flashlight and grinned. Your group found a few more flashlights before retreating back to the fort. 

"There," you said, setting up the lantern in the center of the fort. It really did feel like a camping trip. The storm raged on outside, occasionally filling the room with a flash of bright light. 
Michelle, who'd returned back to your lap, asked:

"Now what?" You looked down at her green-hazel eyes as they bored into your soul. Her brothers had the same expectant look. A sigh parted from you as you patted her soft hair. 

"We wait. And tell scary stories." The kids listened to the tale of the Baloney Man that you made up on the spot with bated breath. Until,

"And then he made him...A BALONEY SANDWICH!" The sudden outburst prompted the children to scream. "I'm sorry guys, it's okay. That was an awful story." They laughed at themselves.

"Wow Alfie, you were really scared," said Matthew, poking fun at him.

"Nuh-uh! You were!" Alfred pouted and folded his arms. The two continued to bicker. You were about to stop them when the door swung open. 

Lightning flashed, illuminating a man standing in the doorway. Michelle let out a high-pitched shriek.

"IT'S THE BALONEY MAN!" You all screamed with her until Arthur stumbled in with several bags. He pushed the door closed and stepped into the light of the lantern that flowed from the fort.

"Who is the baloney man?" You sighed. 

"Just a story I told them. Gosh," you said, looking over him, "you're soaked."

"Yes, I know." He rolled his eyes. "I brought take out for all of us, I didn't anticipate a blackout." The kids crawled out of the fort to hug Arthur's dripping form. 

"Hi Dad! We had fun today!" said Matthew.

"Yeah, (Y/n)'s awesome!" Alfred yelled. Arthur nodded. 

"Bring the lantern into the kitchen, that way we can eat." The kids obeyed, and the group moved into the kitchen. You thanked Arthur for the food. He nodded. The kids led the conversation at the dinner table, telling Arthur all about the day's adventures. The kitchen filled with the smell of Chinese food while he watched in amusement, occasionally raising a concerned caterpillar eyebrow. You ate your food with a smile.

"Right (Y/n)?" Michelle asked, looking up at you again.

"Yup." As the meal finished, Arthur steepled his fingers and looked over at you. 

"Now, (Y/n), I know that you might feel a bit uncomfortable, but I'm going to ask that you stay here with us tonight, at least until the power is back on." One glance out the window was all it took.

"Alright then. Thanks." Alfred sat up in his chair. 

"Sleepover!" Arthur nodded at Alfred before turning back to you.

"You can have my bed, and I'll take the couch." Your hands immediately went up.

"No Arthur, I couldn't! The couch is fine." Arthur shook his head.

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