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"kim doyoung!"

a loud slam was heard following the yell of a student's name, who shot his head up from his arms and was now wide awake after accidentally falling asleep in class. he stood up in his seat while wiping the little bit of drool that spilled out the side of his mouth, giving his attention to the teacher who had called out his name.

"falling asleep in my class once again?" the teacher asked, and doyoung just bowed ninety-degrees down to apologize for it. he didn't mean to fall asleep, nor did he want to, but the university student found himself dozing off slowly in class and next thing he knew, he was dreaming while sleeping in his lecture class.

"this is your third time this past week," the teacher stated, causing the said male to bow down deep once more. he had a guilty yet apologetic look written all over his face while listening to the teacher lecture him about getting proper sleep and paying attention in class. she wasted probably about ten minutes of everyone's time, yet no one seemed to be complaining.

"i'm so sorry. it won't happen again," doyoung said, knowing very well that it might happen again, but he would try his best to stay awake next time. he bowed down once more before sitting back in his seat, allowing for the teacher to continue on with her lecture.

the university student had to hit his head a couple times to stay awake before beginning to focus on the lecture once more. doyoung had stayed up way too late last night, and this caused him to wake up late and almost miss his first class this morning. key word: almost.

the boy wasn't one to fall asleep in class easily. heck, he wasn't really one to fall asleep easily at all. it usually took him about an hour of laying down in his bed before he actually was able to fall asleep, and it surprised him that he was able to just sleep in class easily like that. that was also the third time this week that it happened, letting doyoung know that he really needs to start sleeping better at night.

and sooner than doyoung knew, the bell had rung, signaling the end of the lecture. the said male grabbed his things and shoved them into his backpack, zipping it up securely before wearing the item on his back and exiting the classroom, following the crowd of students gathered by the doors and dispersing once they reached the hallway.

letting out a yawn, doyoung headed over to a nearby picnic table just outside the boundaries of the building and took a seat, folding his arms on the table and laying his head down, slowly falling asleep once more and forgetting that his backpack was still on his back.

letting out a yawn, doyoung headed over to a nearby picnic table just outside the boundaries of the building and took a seat, folding his arms on the table and laying his head down, slowly falling asleep once more and forgetting that his backpack ...

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"yah!" a hit on the head was what greeted doyoung as he shot his head up from his arms and held the back of his head, where he had been hit by his brother, who had decided to greet him in the most indiscreet way. "why are you sleeping?"

doyoung turned to look up at the boy who had caught his attention, and pouted slightly, silently complaining to him mentally about how he had disturbed his sleep.

"seunghun hyunggggg," doyoung whined, dragging on the formal title that he called the older despite the hundreds of times that the other had told him to drop the honorifics. the younger male would never dare to do such a thing, especially since seunghun is two years older than him.

kim seunghun was the older brother of doyoung, being born two years earlier than the younger male himself. doyoung loves his brother with all his heart, but sometimes wished that he would detach himself and not be super overprotective about him.

yes, seunghun and doyoung attend the same university, and it wasn't coincidental. the two had planned to go to yg university since they were young, and both were able to reach their goal of making it into the school. now, doyoung was a student in the business management faculty and seunghun was majoring in music and film production and management.

"don't you have a class?" seunghun asked his younger brother, very aware of his daily schedule for school and always trying to keep doyoung on top of things. the younger just sighed and nodded his head.

"but it starts in half an hour," he admitted, looking at his watch for confirmation. seunghun had happened to wake him up from his sleeping slumber at just the right time, because now, doyoung has enough time to slowly make his way to class.

"you should probably get going. isn't your next lecture all the way across the building?"

"it only takes fifteen minutes to get there. but yeah, i'm going to start going there slowly now," doyoung commented before getting up from his spot on the bench.

"not so fast!" seunghun said as he grabbed the younger's wrist and pulled him in his direction just as doyoung was turning around to leave. he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck, holding him in a head lock, and it didn't help that seunghun was still sitting down, causing his younger brother to bend down further than he would like.

"you dare leave without greeting your brother?"

"but i did!" doyoung whined once more at his brother, who refused to let him go from his headlock.

"if whining someone's name counted as a greeting, then yeah, maybe," the older commented, beginning one of his lectures on respecting elders despite being the person who told doyoung to drop the honorifics with him. "but that's not how you greet someone, is it?"

the younger of the two brothers kept tapping on his brothers arm around his neck, trying to tell him to let go so he could get to his next class. however, seunghun completely disregarded doyoung's signal and continued to hold him in the headlock, pulling him down further and causing doyoung to almost collide with the bench of the table they were at.

"hyung, i have to go," doyoung said, trying to get out of his brother's hold once more. letting out a sigh, seunghun held his younger brother in that position for a couple seconds more before deciding to give up and release him. doyoung let out a breath and gave a playful glare at his brother with a pout before heading back to the building to attend his next lecture.

"be a good student and stay in school!" seunghun called out to the younger, who just rolled his eyes away from the view of his brother and continued to walk to his next class, ignoring his brother's comment as he walked away.

the rest of the day flew by quickly for doyoung and the other students of yg university. sooner than the male knew it, it was already the end of the day and time to go home. this time, doyoung didn't accidentally fall asleep in class, maybe that little nap he took earlier between two of his classes helped him recharge his batteries.

but this was soon proven incorrect as doyoung felt himself dozing off and falling asleep while doing his homework in the main campus library. he shook his head several times to try and keep himself awake, but eventually failed and fell asleep on the desk he was at in the library, pencil still in his hand and in a writing position, assignment and books open all around him.


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